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OneSpan Sign
During our testing of the new Version 11 enviornment we’ve Identified some enhancement requests that we would like to put out on the table.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I always get this error while trying to retrieve session id for the in-person signing ceremony using Iframe.
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OneSpan Sign
Hello all,
Thank you for the good forum, and your help here!
I'm trying to integrate our systems with you, and I'm sending a JSON object trying to clone a template with 1 pdf document inside, but by some reason all the fields are not listed.
First thing I've noticed is that when you create the packa
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I am uploading PDF via REST API PHP, along with signer users.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hello, would help me understand what I'm doing wrong ?
The method is called in package creation process.
In the following are the values for Mobile signature method compare with Mouse capture.
I don't see any problem for Mobile signature.
// Mobile signature - Error response
String response = clie