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OneSpan Sign
I'm getting an object reference error when executing EslClient.ReportService.DownloadCompletionReport() for certain dates.
The last couple of days I’ve received the following exception using the eSignLive api:
Silanis.ESL.SDK.EslException: Could not download the completion report.
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OneSpan Sign
Hi ,
I'm getting this error only on my TEST server , works fine on my local machine. Could you please advise ?
Database Exception Could not create a new package.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Use the .NET sample code https://developer.esignlive.com/guides/feature-guides/document-extraction/
to generate eSign. The field name is [Client1.Capture1] with field type is 'Signature' in PDF file.
But get error message
Silanis.ESL.SDK.EslServerException: Could not send the package.
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OneSpan Sign
I'm having some difficulty implementing DownloadDocumentsDateRange posted previously in this forum.
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OneSpan Sign
we have a production case, when the client tried to confirm the signature, it got error.
In the backend log:
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OneSpan Sign
We are trying to determine which signatures have been signed with the following method:
eslClient.getApprovalService().getAllSignableSignatures(documentPackage, documentId, signerId)
however we get the following error:
Optional details: {"code":403,"messageKey":"error.forbid
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OneSpan Sign
in our log, I found there is API call for 'verification/verificationType, what does it do? and it seems there is error(key=error.notFound.signerVerificationNotFound), what does this error mean?
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OneSpan Sign
I am trying to run a simple application which does not do much. It simply attempts to wrap a sample PDF around an e signature and the error I get is
Message=Could not send the package.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
When I try to updatePackage() I get the following exception. I am trying to update the package with additional signer information to a placeholder block in the document when I get this problem.