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OneSpan Sign
Exception in thread "main" com.silanis.esl.sdk.internal.EslServerException: Could not create a new package in one-step Exception: HTTP POST on URI https://sandbox.esignlive.com/api/packages resulted in response with status code: [400, Bad Request].
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OneSpan Sign
Hi Team,
I wanted to modify the signer details for a package using following URL
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hello, would help me understand what I'm doing wrong ?
The method is called in package creation process.
In the following are the values for Mobile signature method compare with Mouse capture.
I don't see any problem for Mobile signature.
// Mobile signature - Error response
String response = clie
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
We are able to create the package but the status was not changing to SENT. below is the sample request we are using to create the package and then updating the status.
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OneSpan Sign
Hello, we currently are using e-signature packages (created using the RESTful API) where all signers are fully remote e-signers.
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OneSpan Sign
contract is a class with accessible properties that have been populated by this point and is a parameter being passed into the call here.
All the text anchors have been verified in the starting doc...
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
The “packageID” seems fine, works for other API call but “SignerID” from Evidence Summary does not seem to be recognized. Its confusing as items are referred to by multiple names, e.g. PackageID appears to be the same as Signing CeremonyID and Transaction.