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OneSpan Sign
I am receiving the attached error message when trying to send a document from the Laserfiche Repository using the Web Client integration for v10.4.3 to OneSpan Sign.
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OneSpan Sign
Using the current print driver v2.2 :
1. I have prior session "A", that is completed prior.
2. I have created a new document signing session "B".
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Has anyone noticed problems with the handover URL and hash location strategy routing? If so, have you found a workaround?
When setting the handover url to something like "https://www.mydomain.com/#esign", we are seeing different behavior between the handover button and text link.
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OneSpan Sign
Using the code below I only get 1 package back, but I can tell I should be getting multiple packages with multiple senders based on the date range. Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong? I don't see it? Thx
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OneSpan Sign
I'm trying to place signature using the text anchors in Payload in API Body by referring the blog(OneSpan Sign How To: Using Text Anchors | OneSpan), but I'm getting the below validation error (Currently testign this i
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OneSpan Sign
I am attempting to send a contract with the signature block set to capture from Laserfiche Workflow.
In the document I have placed the text tag:
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I'm having trouble with the functionality behind saving/applying layouts in the integrated designer iframe.
Here is the flow of what is happening:
1. The REST API is used to creaete a package with one recipient that has role/id "test"
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Any thoughts on why message is null? I entered text on the decline to sign. I received the decline event notification.