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OneSpan Sign
Hi Team ,
As suggested by you we are using single step package creation call where in package creation, doc upload and status sent happens at one go .For this we are using silanis provided java class.
This is wrking perfectly fine in all environments but when we moved to production , its giving conn
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OneSpan Sign
I'm wondering if it is possible to associate fields with signers using the Java SDK? My use case is that in addition to a signature, users need to be able to fill in additional information in a textbox.
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OneSpan Identity Verification
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OneSpan Sign
I have a client who is using REST API to create package.
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OneSpan Sign
I get documentExtractError when create and send package with pdf document in REST API. It started when I added "extractAnchor".
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OneSpan Sign
I'm trying to place signature using the text anchors in Payload in API Body by referring the blog(OneSpan Sign How To: Using Text Anchors | OneSpan), but I'm getting the below validation error (Currently testign this i
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OneSpan Sign
We are able to create the package but the status was not changing to SENT. below is the sample request we are using to create the package and then updating the status.
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OneSpan Sign
Hello, we currently are using e-signature packages (created using the RESTful API) where all signers are fully remote e-signers.