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OneSpan Sign
We've discovered some behaviour that seems strange/inconsistent to our team. It may just be a case of not understanding the APIs properly, but either way hopefully you can help us out.
Our application supports both remote and in-person signing.
Forum topic
OneSpan Identity Verification
When I create a transaction (using the https://gs.onespan.cloud/rpoc-saa endpoint) I get back a token as expected.
First off, the token contains an access URL that does not work (it uses the wrong endpoint: https://salesdemo-dealflo.uat.eu1.tid.onespan.cloud).
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
When I use the .NET SDK version 11.5, I'm have a problems getting the signerId of package signers.
What I want to do is this:
call the eslClient.GetPackage(packageId) method to get information about an existing package
get an authorization token, by SignerId, for a signer from
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hi i have got the sender authentication token but how to open particular package using that sender authentication token and send it Please reply me as soon as possible??
Using rest API : whats will be the code instead of this BuildRedirectToPackageViewForSender method??
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Can someone tell me what the standard time out setting is for the digital signing room? Is it changeable on an account level? Also, since we getting the user auth token, is this taken into account or does the digital signing room timeout override what is being sent from the user auth token?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Is there a Java SDK code example to do OAuth 2.0 for creating an EslClient?
Right now I'm using clientAppId and clientAppSecret.
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OneSpan Sign
Hello when I try to sign a document at onespan web with a uanataca TOKEN usb (bit4id token) this error appear:
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Im using the REST API and doing a POST to /authenticationTokens/sender to get a SenderAuthenticationToken.
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Mobile Security Suite
Afternoon All, Apologies if this is the wrong place to post, or if this is a bit of a noob questions, but I'm struggling to find any information really.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hi Silanis team-
I am attempting to generate hyperlinks directly to a document in a package for a particular signer role, with authentication.