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OneSpan Sign
Receiving the following response and 500 error when trying to create a package:{ "messageKey": "error.internal.default",
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I'm trying to place signature using the text anchors in Payload in API Body by referring the blog(OneSpan Sign How To: Using Text Anchors | OneSpan), but I'm getting the below validation error (Currently testign this i
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hi Team ,
As suggested by you we are using single step package creation call where in package creation, doc upload and status sent happens at one go .For this we are using silanis provided java class.
This is wrking perfectly fine in all environments but when we moved to production , its giving conn
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hi, getting the same error, document is correct pdf, can you please check {"messageKey":"error.validation.verifyDocument.couldNotBeFlattened","message":"Could not upload PDF document: it contains a syntax error
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Has anyone noticed problems with the handover URL and hash location strategy routing? If so, have you found a workaround?
When setting the handover url to something like "https://www.mydomain.com/#esign", we are seeing different behavior between the handover button and text link.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I get documentExtractError when create and send package with pdf document in REST API. It started when I added "extractAnchor".
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hi Team,
I am trying to figure out the way to convert the unit measurement in our system (millimeter) to OneSpan unit.
Today we use this formula to convert the signature coordinates in my application to OneSpan:
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hey there,
I have a situation where I have an existing package and I'm trying to add a new document to it with text anchor fields.
The part to create the document is fine, but my issue is to add an extract anchor to it.
From what I've seen, the SDK offers the option to sdk.createDocuments(Str
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OneSpan Sign
Hey guys,
How do we change the GMT to borrower's time zone in Evidence Summary?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I've noticed in the UI I am able to add tooltips to my radio buttons. I am wondering if this is a possible in the api as well ie