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OneSpan Sign
I am having some issues when trying to add a document as binary data to a package
Our pdf's are in base64 data so we need to convert this data to binary data but we always get this error when we are trying to create new package(POST /api/packages):
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Our client is receiving the error message "No Role found for signer email" when trying to send a package. We are creating a custom ID however the custom ID is guaranteed to be different (one ends in -1 the other in -2).
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Currently using APEX SDK to retrieve a template from OneSpanSign, then removing roles from the template as needed, if the number of signers change. I've currently defined 2 roles on the template, and am trying the scenario where only 1 is needed.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hi Team,
I wanted to modify the signer details for a package using following URL
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I am uploading PDF via REST API PHP, along with signer users.
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OneSpan Sign
We are able to create the package but the status was not changing to SENT. below is the sample request we are using to create the package and then updating the status.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
contract is a class with accessible properties that have been populated by this point and is a parameter being passed into the call here.
All the text anchors have been verified in the starting doc...