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OneSpan Sign
I would like to know if there is any way to identify (without callback) delegation information and who delegates to who using REST API. I have firewall limitations that's why callback is out of the question.
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OneSpan Sign
We've done our initial production rollout of our new feature that includes eSignLive integration - everything is working great, but one of the early feedback items that has come back our way is the desire to do a bit of custom branding around the signing session.
One of the items requested was to p
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I'd like to send a package (transaction--the fact that these separate terms mean the same thing is quite confusing) programmatically using the API (no SDKs as I'm using NodeJS) but I'm not seeing any endpoints in the documentation to do so.
Is it possible to send a package using the API?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hi Team,
Please follow.my below scenario
I have application where i need to fill data in ui fields .
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Is there a way to hide the disclosure page using the REST API.
Can this be a field in the call when creating a package.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
How can i find out from the object docs if a field is mandatory or optional.
For example Firstname is mandatory for creating a signer , but the docs dont seem to indicate that it is.
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OneSpan Sign
I'm having trouble sending a PDF with text tags to the /api/packages endpoint. My PDF is sent as base-64 encoded, and that string is "pasted" into a document when it reaches my eSignLive account. I'd like for the string to be decoded, so that the new package contains a copy of my original PDF.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I am trying to update a signer via the rest api call and it doesn't appear to be working.
When I do the call in postman, it returns the response payload that is expected but it doesn't update the information. I do not get any errors and everything seems like it worked just fine.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
We are trying to automate the app shielding process in our CI platform by using the REST API.
The API method https://cp.onespan.com/public_api/v1/rasp/bind_package takes a file as a parameter but on use it returns "(422) Unprocessable Entity."