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OneSpan Sign
We're investigating to moving to the new package/layout designer and had some questions.
In our sandbox environment the new designer displays a option to chat with eSignLive support. Is this normally shown on prod environments as well? Is there a back office change to remove this?
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OneSpan Sign
One of our client is reporting that the "ESL:MESSAGE:STARTED:SIGNER_COMPLETE" event is not showing in console with Mobile Signing Ceremony, under this scenario:
- Have a signer and three documents, first document contains one signature, second is an accept-only document, third document is a rev
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OneSpan Sign
I am working on an eSignLive integrtion through the SDK and I have the following requirement for multiple signers:
Given: a DocumentPackage for signing with eSignLive and 3 Signers.
1st&3rd Signers should "Click to Sign" (using provided in email link)
2nd Signer: should N
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OneSpan Sign
I can't seem to get the senderAuthenticationToken. I'm receiving a 415 error code, Unsupported Media Type.
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OneSpan Sign
no postman, no python , no this site OneSpan Sign Sandbox | OneSpan Community Platform
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OneSpan Sign
We have several templates that contain too many input fields for accepting user inputs. Nowadays, we have a requirement to update the content of the document used in the template, even if it is a minor word change at the bottom section of the document.
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OneSpan Sign
When I do PUT request to /api/packages/{package_id} with request payload as
"status": "DRAFT"
I get error response as
"code": 415,
"entity": null,
"message": "Unsupported Media Type",
"messageKey": "http.status.415",
"name": "Unsupported Media Type",
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I followed this guide to format my PDF to accept signatures for my client1 and client2. However, client2 is an optional signer.
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OneSpan Sign
Years ago, with our initial eSign implementation we noticed a significant drop off when we required a married couple to sign separately.
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OneSpan Sign
I seem to be getting a 500 when I try to upload a new document.