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OneSpan Sign
HI everyone during my integration I got stuck with this error> I wanted to create a package upload a file and add signatories.
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OneSpan Sign
I am having some issues when trying to add a document as binary data to a package
Our pdf's are in base64 data so we need to convert this data to binary data but we always get this error when we are trying to create new package(POST /api/packages):
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OneSpan Sign
Hello, I'm attempting to upload a PDF file using :
Upload a New Document through multipart/form-data
Based on this
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OneSpan Sign
I am trying to create an eSignLive package using the C# SDK.
Below is the error I get when "sending" my package.
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OneSpan Sign
I am using the text tag extract example found here: Text Tag Extraction (Apex SDK) | OneSpan Community Platform
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OneSpan Sign
We were successfully sending transactions and documents to OneSpan until the start of this week when we started receiving the below error. I have also put the invoking code below, it is based on the Apex SDK. It's a weird error as this was working on Friday..
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OneSpan Sign
We're trying to generate the package using template. Templates are created in sandbox.esignlive.com.
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OneSpan Sign
Hello, I recently updated the api version for Silanis.ESL.dll from 10.3 to 10.13, after doing so the code that I'm using to dynamically build the packages for getting signed no longer works.
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OneSpan Sign
I attempting to create a document that has one signer by email, and 2 signing groups (lets name them Group1 and Group2)
The document has EXTRACTION enabled.
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OneSpan Sign
In the JSON retrieved for a Package is there a way to figure out Who (Role/Email) has delegated to Who (Role/Email).
After delegation we get the ROLE_REASSIGN event.
"@class": "com.silanis.esl.packages.event.ESLRoleReassignEvent",
"sessionUser": "4f124151-9ab9-4956-bf8b-c67454f2b63d"