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OneSpan Sign
I need to set the package expiration date when I submit a package via the REST API with status=SENT. I have found the documentation on how to do this with the SDK but not with REST.
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OneSpan Sign
Let’s say we have an agreement that will be sent out to 5 individuals. If 2 of them sign then the agreement would be considered complete and the remainder would not need to sign. Is that type of flow supported?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
When setting up the user with SMS auth, is there a way to change the default message that shows up when asking for the pass code that was sent via SMS?
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OneSpan Sign
Final requirement for the day.
So I have two signers on my documents. I want the email afterward to get sent to three different addresses.
Is there a good way to add a CC or additional email for follow-up?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Now sure if this has been asked before, but we need to retrieve which signer was last sent the signature email by OneSpan, including the signing order of this signer.
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OneSpan Sign
I am trying to update a LinkHref of an existing package that has been sent to the client, I use the updatepackge function for the same, I did not get any error in the response, but the new value is not reflecting in the package.
Can you please advise.
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OneSpan Sign
Dealing with another tricky requirement.
For one of the signers, it is requested that the email contain only the signature page (and not any of the additional pages). Is there a good way to specify what pages should be sent out in the follow-up email post-signature?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
We need to change the email sent to signers. We want to change the from mail, the subject, the body... The idea is only getting the document URL to send our own email.
Can we achieve this?
Best regards,
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I am dealing with a requirement that reads as follows:
Customer must have an actual signature and not an ok box to click.
'Actual' in this case refers to a drawn (or typed) signature. Is there a good way to enable that for one of the signing roles sent up?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hi team!
The email will be sent while the package is created , please see the below codes:
PackageId packageId = eslClient.createPackageFromTemplate(currentTemplate.getId(), newPackage); eslClient.sendPackage(packageId);
How to prevent the email notification?