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OneSpan Sign
Hello, We have integrated our salesforce application with onespan using APEX SDK for our e-signature use cases.
We are using a text tag to capture signer's tax number : {{esl_TaxNumber:Signer1:textfield:value(""),size(160,22)}}
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OneSpan Sign
This template sends a signer an email with a link that can be used to capture their signature on a mobile device
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OneSpan Sign
We are implementing electronic signature capture on some of our documents and I'm currently in the process of setting up outgoing notifications to customer once signature has been obtained. i.e signing
ceremony is complete.
For speed, I used the sandbox.
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OneSpan Sign
The post below refers to some terms that I need some clarification
Post by harris on DECEMBER 19, 2016 AT 10:07 AM says
you can’t set an acceptance signature and a clic
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OneSpan Sign
Is there a way to modify the printed date that is captured when a signer signs a document?
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OneSpan Sign
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OneSpan Sign
I have a couple of general queries regarding the movement of a transaction into "Trash" that I have been unable to find answers on.
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OneSpan Sign
We're using document extraction to populate a Signature Date field with the date of signing via naming a form field with something like this: [Signer1.Capture1.label1.Date].
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OneSpan Sign
One of our testers performed below use case:
a) Signed the document using eSignLive
b) The digital signatures were captured in the signature block
c) Downloaded the signed copy from eSignLive & opened the PDF
d) Clicked on the 'Fill & Sign' option appearing on the right of the document
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OneSpan Sign
Hello Folks,
We are currently evaluating eSignLive and have couple of questions related to specific use cases.
1. Is there support for SMS authentication for In Person signing.?