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OneSpan Sign
On the DOCUMENT_SIGNED callback is it possible to know who has signed the document directly or in some other way indirectly?
I need the email of the person who has signed the document for our application workflow.
What can I do with the sessionUser attribute.
Example Payload:
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OneSpan Sign
We have a scenario wherein we are rendering the signed document (pdf) in an application named Alfresco (it is a workflow tool) using its built-in pdf viewer.
For some reason, the signature doesn't show up in that viewer but when we open the document in adobe pdf viewer it shows up.
Could you
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OneSpan Sign
Hi is it possible from custom UIto allow user to place signature on the page...to choose where it want it. What parameters I need to set in the code. I use .net SDK
Also would it be possible to size iFrame to the document or to remove all unnecessary space around document. How?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
We are integrating eSignLive in our application and we have a situation where Business would need a partially signed document.
In other words, let's assume that there are 3 signers on the document and the details have been passed to eSignLive through the package,
Once the first signer has signed, ca
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OneSpan Sign
at present we are testing the system and when we are signing the documents some of our boxes have not been completed. How can i set up the system so that the document can not be completed until all signatures, text boxes etc are all completed.
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OneSpan Sign
I have a document that is generated on the fly by our web system. It's a PDF created by the back-end and then goes out for signing. I have been able to upload the document just fine.
Once it goes out for signing, there are two signatures it requires.
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OneSpan Sign
We are unable to remove partially signed/signed document from the package. Could you help us on this?
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OneSpan Sign
Whats is the difference between Document Signed vs Recipient completed signing
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OneSpan Sign
I’m trying to figure out how to add the ability for customers to upload supporting documents to a signing ceremony. Below is the output of what I’m sending to set up a package before json encoding.