320 results matched your search criteria
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OneSpan Sign
Would anyone happen to have a full blown, sample Java application with e-SignLive integrated, that they can share?
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OneSpan Sign
We are looking at using the .NET SDK in our application, but would like to see a full example of an integration vs just snippets of code. Does anything like this exist?
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OneSpan Sign
Hi There ,
I want to know about any provision of sending the authentication token to the callback generation rest api call so that once the callback happens
, we may get that token back with the request.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Is there an example of how to have an iframe appear in the C# application? I want to create a transaction and then display it for the sender in an iframe to finish the process
Forum topic
OneSpan Identity Verification
When we run {{baseUrl}}/api/transaction/{{transactionID}}/verification and get the reasons for failure, there are the URLs in the response that point to the jpegs of the submitted ID and selfies. Is there a way for us to download these? The URL begins like below
Forum topic
OneSpan Identity Verification
Dear Support Team,
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OneSpan Sign
Its possible append document to existing package using application/json content type and base64 coded pdf?
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OneSpan Sign
I couldn’t find a method to add documents to package in draft mode.
It seems UpdatePackage updates everything but documents.
Is there a method to add documents in the package once it been created?
If there is such method in your SDK please point me and I will take a look there.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hi Team,
Please follow.my below scenario
I have application where i need to fill data in ui fields .
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I am getting the following error while connecting URL and application.
ORA-29273: HTTP request failed.
Below is the code snippet:
UTL_HTTP.SET_WALLET('file:xxxxxx', 'xxxxx');
v_request := utl_http.begin_request('https://sandbox.esignlive.com/', 'POST', 'HTTP/1.1');