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OneSpan Sign
Hey team,
We have a client reporting that they have an issue can't get role id returned.
Here's the workflow:
I have created a transaction with your java sdk.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hi -
SHORT: How to assign "RoleID" to SignerBuilder in vb.Net ?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
When I use the .NET SDK version 11.5, I'm have a problems getting the signerId of package signers.
What I want to do is this:
call the eslClient.GetPackage(packageId) method to get information about an existing package
get an authorization token, by SignerId, for a signer from
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I have got into a very weird scenario today. Using Apex SDK to create package in OneSpan.
I have created a package in OS with placeholder1 assume roleId as 'ph01' and signer1 with roleid as 'signer01'
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I have some questions about creating the signing url in the .Net SDK and the REST API. Here is what I have so far.
I've created a package called "Test". I've added documents to Test. I've added Signers with just firstname, lastname and emailaddress to Test.
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OneSpan Sign
Hi, I am sending the following request:
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OneSpan Sign
I attempting to create a document that has one signer by email, and 2 signing groups (lets name them Group1 and Group2)
The document has EXTRACTION enabled.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I have seen the post regarding the Signingurl from the package.
In this example it is getting the signing url by the following GET method
GET /packages/{packageId}/roles/{roleId}/signingUrl
How can we g
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I've noticed that it is not possible to update emailMessage for chosen role.