Increasing the Administration Web Interface upload limit

The Administration Web Interface has an upload limit of 10 MB for importing user import or DPX files. If required, you can change this upload limit and enable the Administration Web Interface to upload larger files.

To increase the upload limit of the Administration Web Interface

  1. Navigate to the Apache Tomcat installation directory, e.g/opt/vasco/iaswas/tomcat.
  2. Navigate to /webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes.
  3. Open the file.
  4. Edit the struts.multipart.maxSize value.

    This value is given in bytes.

  5. Save and close the file.
  6. Navigate to/opt/vasco/iaswas/tomcat/conf.
  7. Open the server.xml file.
  8. Locate the default Apache Tomcat Connector tag with the port=8443 attribute.
  9. Edit the following attributes:
    • maxPostSize
    • maxSwallowSize

    These values are given in bytes.

    To set the maximum upload size to 50 MB:



    In server.xml:



  10. Save the Apache Tomcat configuration file.
  11. Restart the Web Administration Service daemon.