Optional components

Embedded database

An embedded MariaDB database is available for use with OneSpan Authentication Server. If the embedded database is installed, the DBeaver database tool is also installed.

Message Delivery Component

This is a service delivering authentication information through an email, SMS, voice, or Push Notification gateway to the mobile device of a user. The connection can be secured with SSL.

Each gateway type uses a specific connection protocol:

  • HTTP/HTTPS (voice, SMS, or Push Notification)
  • SMPP 3.4 rev 1.2 (SMS only)
  • SMTP/SMTPS (email only)

Tcl Command-Line Administration tool

Administrative tasks may be carried out using Tcl Command-Line Administration tool, which allows interactive command-line and scripted administration of OneSpan Authentication Server data.

Audit Viewer

The Audit Viewer is a GUI application that can display and filter audit messages from OneSpan Authentication Server. It can read the data from text files and ODBC databases or receive a live feed from OneSpan Authentication Server.