Query definitions

A query consists of the following:

  • Data field. A field from the database.
  • Condition. A conditional operator to be performed on the data field.
  • Value. A value to compare the data field with. This is not required for some conditional operators.

To define a query you must select a data field and one of the following operators:

  • equals
  • does not equal
  • starts with
  • does not start with
  • includes
  • does not include
  • ends with
  • does not end with
  • is null
  • is not null
  • is blank
  • is not blank
  • is greater than
  • is greater than or equal to
  • is less than
  • is less than or equal to
  • is part of (verify if an IP address is within an IPv4 subnet)
  • is not part of (verify if an IP address is not within an IPv4 subnet)

Not all operators are applicable to all data fields. Not all operators require a value.

Combinations of data field, operator, and values can be used to define queries.