Auditing and tracing

The OneSpan Authentication Server audit system enables you to audit the operations that OneSpan Authentication Server performs and provides high-level details about these operations. The audit system consists of a number of auditing modules that save audit messages to a specific format (e.g. text file or database), and the Audit Viewer application, which can open, display, and filter audit messages from various sources.

Audit system (Overview)

Figure: Audit system (Overview)

Audit messages are primarily generated by OneSpan Authentication Server and include RADIUS accounting data. These messages may be recorded by a number of different methods:

  • Windows Event Log (to be viewed in the Event Viewer)
  • Syslog (in Linux environments)
  • Text file
  • ODBC-compliant database

Live auditing allows to capture and pass audit messages directly to the Audit Viewer application as a live feed.

The auditing output from OneSpan Authentication Server can be configured using the Configuration Utility. For more information, refer to the OneSpan Authentication Server Administrator Reference, Section "Configuration".