Recent user activities

Recent user activities include results from various user operations and OneSpan Authentication Server events:

  • Authentication

    • Authenticating a user
  • EMV-CAP authentication

    • Authenticating using EMV-CAP
  • Signature validation

    • Authenticating a signature
    • Generating a virtual signature
  • Provisioning

    • Registering
    • Activating
    • Assigning
    • Registering using Digipass Software Advanced Provisioning Protocol (DSAPP)
    • Activating using Digipass Software Advanced Provisioning Protocol (DSAPP)
    • Getting activation data using Digipass Software Advanced Provisioning Protocol (DSAPP)
    • Registering using multi-device licensing (MDL)
    • Adding a device using multi-device licensing (MDL)
    • Activating using multi-device licensing (MDL)
  • Administration

    • Assigning an authenticator
    • Moving a user
    • Unassigning an authenticator
    • Disabling a user
    • Enabling a user
    • Unlocking a user
    • Enabling offline authentication
    • Disabling offline authentication
    • Resetting the last authentication time
    • Setting user expiration
    • Updating a user
    • Linking a user
    • Setting a password
    • Resetting a password
    • Setting user permissions
    • Creating user attributes
    • Deleting user attributes
    • Deleting offline data
  • Events

    • No authenticator was found for auto-assignment.
    • A user account has been locked. When a client application is configured to use user auto-unlock and the user account becomes locked, the audit information also displays the date and time when the end user can authenticate again to auto-unlock the user account.

The number of recent user activity records displayed can be restricted by time and number. This means that activity records older than a certain time threshold are excluded from the result. Furthermore, only a total number of records are returned. The limits are configured in the global server configuration. This means that they apply to all OneSpan Authentication Server instances within a replicated environment.