Mark for erasure model

The JSON model of the mark-for-erasure API endpoint contains the data structure that is required to mark one or more transactions for deletion.

Request properties (mark for erasure) lists the request properties in OneSpan Identity Verification.

  • Path: .../properties/transaction/properties/mark_for_erasure_request
Request properties (mark for erasure)
Property Type Description
grace_period Integer

The period of time during which users can revert the transaction erasure request. After the grace period has elapsed, the transaction is deleted.

Possible values: greater than or equal to 0.

If grace_period is 0, the transaction is not available for recovery (see Unmark transaction for erasure) and is deleted on the day it is marked for erasure.

transaction_ids Array

List of transaction UUIDs.

  • Maximum number of items: 500
  • Minimum number of items: 1


  • Type: string

Response properties (mark for erasure) lists the response properties in OneSpan Identity Verification.

  • Path: .../properties/transaction/properties/transaction_mark_for_erasure_response
Response properties (mark for erasure)
Property Type Description
message String

The message for the mark-for-erasure response.

transactions Array

The information for all transactions that are part of the mark-for-erasure response.

Reference to the schema: "transaction.schema.3.0.markforerasure.response.details.json"

For the list of transactions properties, see transactions properties.

transactions properties
Property Type Description
marking_event String The event that is related to the transaction that was marked for erasure.
message String The message for the transaction that was marked for erasure.
transaction_id String The transaction identifier.

Example mark-for-erasure request

  1. {
  2.   "grace_period": 25,
  3.   "transaction_ids": [
  4.     "6cca2f64-2781-49fc-85de-f80361581968",
  5.     "6cca2f64-2781-49fc-85de-f80361581969",
  6.     "6cca2f64-2781-49fc-85de-f80361581970"
  7.   ]
  8. }

Example mark-for-erasure response

  1. {
  2. message: "Some of the transactions could be marked for erasure other couldn't."
  4. transactions: [
  6.   {
  7.     transaction_id: "xxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxx",
  8.     marking_event: "Transaction Erase Request - Accepted"
  9.     message: "The transaction has been accepted to be marked for erasure, there could be a short period where the transaction is recoverable, it depends on the data retention policy (grace period)."
  10.   },
  12.   {
  13.     transaction_id: "xxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxx",
  14.     marking_event: "Transaction Erase Request - ID field error"
  15.     message: "This transaction doesn't exist, therefore cannot be marked for erasure."
  16.   },
  18.   {
  19.     transaction_id: "xxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxx",
  20.     marking_event: "Transaction Erase Request - Transaction Not Found"
  21.     message: "This transaction doesn't exist, therefore cannot be marked for erasure."
  22.   },
  24.   {
  25.     transaction_id: "xxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxx",
  26.     marking_event: "Transaction Erase Request - Transaction currently active"
  27.     message: "Failed to mark for erasure, the transaction was active (New or In Post Processing), if it needs to be mark for erasure, it must first be cancelled."
  28.   },
  30.   {
  31.     transaction_id: "xxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxx",
  32.     marking_event: "Transaction Erase Request - Fail" # Note that if this generic use case doesn't exist, don't create it.
  33.     message: "Failed to mark for erasure. {descriptive_error_message}"
  34.     message: "Failed to mark for erasure, the transaction was locked, please try again later."
  35.   }
  37. ]
  38. }