dmitry.pavlov | Posts: 5

Fix broken "Deregister authenticators for FIDO UAF protocol" 200 response type definition reference

1 votes

The current OpenAPI schema contains the following API endpoint which breaks the API client code generation:

  • POST /users/{userID@domain}/deregister-fido-uaf-authenticators

The issue is caused by the reference to Success 200 response which seems to be malformed: 

  • "$ref": "#/paths/~1users~1%7BuserID%40domain%7D~1deregister-fido-uaf-keys/post/responses/200/content/application~1json/schema" 

This breaks the code generators output - see the screenshots attached. 

Please consider updating OCA OpenAPI schema to use valid response reference type for this endpoint. Thank you in advance!

pvdbor | Posts: 10

Reply to: Fix broken "Deregister authenticators for FIDO UAF protocol" 200 response type definition reference

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Hello Dmitry,


I'm passing this on to our support organization to have a look and will get back to you as soon as I have reply.

dmitry.pavlov | Posts: 5

Reply to: Fix broken "Deregister authenticators for FIDO UAF protocol" 200 response type definition reference

0 votes

Thank you, Peter. I am open for additional questions from your tech guys (if any). Please share here the support ticket number if any will be opened. TIA!

Melader | Posts: 6

Reply to: Fix broken "Deregister authenticators for FIDO UAF protocol" 200 response type definition reference

0 votes

Find information how to register/deregister a FIDO authenticator. ... must register your FIDO authenticator for the UAF or FIDO2 protocol. 9WSYR TV

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