This simple example code shows how to use the Apex SDK to create and send a package.
For detailed steps, you can refer to this guidance:
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This simple example code shows how to use the Apex SDK to create and send a package.
For detailed steps, you can refer to this guidance:
Reply to: Simple Create and Send Package (Apex SDK)
Thursday, October 22, 2020 at 05:00amHi,
I am using the code which you have written. But in my case, i am getting an error 'ESignLiveRESTAPIHelper.ESignLiveRestAPIHelperException: Error creating eSignLive package with documents: Illegal value for primitive' on below line -
sdk.createDocuments(packageId, document, doc);
Below is the response we are trying to deserialize -
"name":"Sample Contract",
with class Document -
public class Document
public List<Approval> approvals;
public Data data;
public String description;
public External external;
public Boolean extract;
public List<Field> fields;
public String id;
public Integer index;
public String name;
public List<Page_x> pages;
public Integer size;
The issue is with the field data. In Document class , its mentioned as String but in reponse , its not string. Can you help in this case.