Hi there,
Here's an example on how to delete your layouts:
EslClient eslClient = new EslClient("key", "https://apps.esignlive.com/api");
int i = 1;
List layouts = eslClient.getLayoutService().getLayouts(Direction.ASCENDING, new PageRequest(i,50));
while (!layouts.isEmpty()) {
for (DocumentPackage layout : layouts) {
System.out.println(String.format("Deleted layout: %s", layout.getName()));
layouts = eslClient.getLayoutService().getLayouts(Direction.ASCENDING, new PageRequest(i,50));
What the code above does is retrieve the first 50 layouts in your account (maximum of 50 layouts can be retrieved at a time), which are returned to you as a List. Then, loop through each layout and:
1. Trashes it
2. Deletes it permanently
Finally, the next 50 layouts and the above steps repeated until all layouts have been deleted. Hope this helps.
I have a list of 4 layouts that were used when testing after opening my new account. I need to remove all of them and start from scratch. However, I was told this is not an option as a Professional user with no API access. Who can I reach on eSignLive side to remove these from my account so we can start fresh?
Reply to: Deleting Layouts
Thursday, January 5, 2017 at 07:20amReply to: Deleting Layouts
Wednesday, April 11, 2018 at 07:18am