r-mikolajuk | Posts: 26

Updating emailMessage

0 votes
I've noticed that it is not possible to update emailMessage for chosen role. TC 1. User submits content and package is being created from the template using:
    "roles": [
            "emailMessage": {
                "content": "List X"
            "reassign": false,
            "id": "role-id",
            "type": "SIGNER",
            "signers": [
                    "firstName": "First",
                    "lastName": "Last",
                    "name": "First Last",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "language": "en",
                    "delivery": {
                        "email": true,
                        "provider": false,
                        "download": true
                    "id": "Signer"
            "name": "Signer"
2. Users creates new content - signature request needs to be updated:
    "emailMessage": "List X, Y",
    "roles": [
            "emailMessage": {
                "content": "List X, Y"
            "id": "role-id",
            "name": "Signer"
Expected: Email for the Signer role contains: "List X, Y" Actual: Email for the Signer role contains: "List X" Only the main emailMessage (Message to all recipients) is updated.

Approved Answer
mwilliams | Posts: 957

Reply to: Updating emailMessage

0 votes
Okay. I tried it out the other way and I'm seeing the same as you. I believe this would mean that only package level attributes are updated by the PUT call on the package URL. If you use the call I used in my first message, you'll be able to update the actual role email message.

mwilliams | Posts: 957

Reply to: Updating emailMessage

0 votes
I am able to update a signer's individual message with the following call, while the package is in DRAFT mode without issue. This is with a package message already set. PUT
Along with the updated Role JSON (probably only need the ID and the email message though):
{"id":"072a27f3-f310-4a79-9e15-2d8aded06e29","data":null,"emailMessage":{"content":"I have changed the individual email message"},"attachmentRequirements":[],"locked":false,"reassign":false,"specialTypes":[],"type":"SIGNER","index":0,"signers":[{"created":"2017-02-09T20:04:49Z","group":null,"language":"en","signature":null,"id":"7f7640dd-70be-478c-946e-ed23df098d21","auth":{"scheme":"NONE","challenges":[]},"knowledgeBasedAuthentication":null,"delivery":{"provider":false,"email":false,"download":false},"title":"","data":null,"updated":"2017-02-09T20:04:48Z","external":null,"company":"eSignLive by VASCO","email":"[email protected]","firstName":"MWilliams","lastName":"Silanis","phone":"","professionalIdentityFields":[],"userCustomFields":[],"address":null,"name":"","specialTypes":[]}],"name":"Signer1"}

mwilliams | Posts: 957

Reply to: Updating emailMessage

0 votes
Though, I guess since you're adding a package message at the same time you're updating the role message that you're making a PUT call to just the Package with updated JSON?

r-mikolajuk | Posts: 26

Reply to: Updating emailMessage

0 votes
Thank you Michael Indeed I was trying to update package with the roles at once. Using dedicated role endpoint API works better. But there is one issue - data is not merged but replaced with the defaults. In my case, there is only one signer so I'll go with other option - not setting emailMessage for Signer role at all, then update it on package level. That works just fine (for my case). Note about using
So I have a package (DRAFT), with Signer role:
  /* ... */
  "roles": [
      /* ... */
      "type": "SENDER"
      "attachmentRequirements": [],
      "data": null,
      "emailMessage": {
        "content": "Hi Robert!"
      "id": "e9536976-ca09-49e8-8eb3-13cc765bcbf6",
      "index": 0,
      "locked": false,
      "name": "Signer",
      "reassign": false,
      "signers": [
          "address": null,
          "auth": {
            "challenges": [],
            "scheme": "NONE"
          "company": "",
          "created": "2016-12-21T15:03:04Z",
          "data": null,
          "delivery": {
            "download": true,
            "email": true,
            "provider": false
          "email": "[email protected]",
          "external": null,
          "firstName": "Robert",
          "group": null,
          "id": "Signer",
          "knowledgeBasedAuthentication": null,
          "language": "en",
          "lastName": "Last",
          "name": "",
          "phone": "",
          "professionalIdentityFields": [],
          "signature": null,
          "specialTypes": [],
          "title": "",
          "updated": "2016-12-21T15:03:04Z",
          "userCustomFields": []
      "specialTypes": [],
      "type": "SIGNER"
  /* ... */
Updating only the emailMessage content:
PUT /api/packages/2c8mpMd5QVm_ZYN6czx1ChzyJHE=/roles/e9536976-ca09-49e8-8eb3-13cc765bcbf6

    "emailMessage": {
        "content": "Signer only"
    "id": "e9536976-ca09-49e8-8eb3-13cc765bcbf6"
Response I get (look at the fields list):
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2017 08:02:36 GMT
Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Server: nginx
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
X-Powered-By: Undertow

    "attachmentRequirements": [], 
    "data": null, 
    "emailMessage": {
        "content": "Signer only"
    "id": "e9536976-ca09-49e8-8eb3-13cc765bcbf6", 
    "index": 0, 
    "locked": false, 
    "name": "Signer1", 
    "reassign": false, 
    "signers": [], 
    "specialTypes": [], 
    "type": "SIGNER"
Get the package data:
  /* ... */
  "roles": [
      /* ... */
      "type": "SENDER"
      "attachmentRequirements": [],
      "data": null,
      "emailMessage": {
        "content": "Signer only"
      "id": "e9536976-ca09-49e8-8eb3-13cc765bcbf6",
      "index": 0,
      "locked": false,
      "name": "Signer1",
      "reassign": false,
      "signers": [],
      "specialTypes": [],
      "type": "SIGNER"
  /* ... */
Result: trying to update only the emailMessage content I'm loosing signer data. Which, IMHO shouldn't work this way - it should work as it does on package level, where I can pass only that JSON:
    "emailMessage": "Just it"

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