FredericDH | Posts: 51

Documents restrictions within a package

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I have looked through the eSignLive documentation but without success. When creating a package, is it possible to restrict signers to be able to view certain pages of the document ? Let's say my borrower Lisa Smith should not be allowed to see the pages 5 to 10 while a second borrower can only be allowed to see pages 1 to 5, is that possible to do within the Rest API ? Thanks

Approved Answer
mwilliams | Posts: 957

Reply to: Documents restrictions within a package

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Hey Frederic, Take a look at this guide. It will show you how to set up Document Visibility within your package using the REST API.

- Michael

Director, Partner and Developer Technologies, OneSpan

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FredericDH | Posts: 51

Reply to: Documents restrictions within a package

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Thanks, I will look into this. I have also found examples here about the DocumentVisibilityBuilder (

mwilliams | Posts: 957

Reply to: Documents restrictions within a package

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Frederic, I may have misread the question. If you want sections of an individual document to work in this way, you'd need to split the document up. The "document visibility" feature only works for complete documents, not pieces of it. Sorry for any confusion.

- Michael

Director, Partner and Developer Technologies, OneSpan

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FredericDH | Posts: 51

Reply to: Documents restrictions within a package

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Michael, You did not misunderstand, I actually mis expressed myself, I meant documents, not pages Thanks!

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