ikim | Posts: 5


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I'm using same code in demo and in prod, works fine for demo but not in pord. but I'm getting the following error message. {"messageKey":"error.validation.createProcess.missingData","message":"Missing process definition.","code":400,"name":"Validation Error"} I'm sending the same document in both environments so I don't have clear what I'm doing wrong. Is this error message specific enough to know what Im doing wrong?. What could be possible sources of error.

mwilliams | Posts: 957

Reply to: error.validation.createProcess.missingData

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You're using sandbox.esignlive.com and apps.esignlive.com?

- Michael

Director, Partner and Developer Technologies, OneSpan

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ikim | Posts: 5

Reply to: error.validation.createProcess.missingData

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Hey Michael, thanks for your answer. Im using this URL for sandbox https://sandbox.esignlive.com/api works fine here. Seems by your answer that my error message is not that clear enough. =( Thanks, Mario

mwilliams | Posts: 957

Reply to: error.validation.createProcess.missingData

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I'm just trying to figure out what production version of eSignLive you're using. Or are you meaning your environments? Your demo environment and your prod environment? Let me know.

- Michael

Director, Partner and Developer Technologies, OneSpan

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ikim | Posts: 5

Reply to: error.validation.createProcess.missingData

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Hi Michael, the production version is: https://apps.esignlive.com/api Any idea what could be causing the issue? Thanks, Mario

mwilliams | Posts: 957

Reply to: error.validation.createProcess.missingData

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Hey Mario, The only instance of that issue I can find is with the APEX SDK. See here: https://github.com/KadenceCollective/esignlive-apex-sdk/issues/6 If you read down, it was an issue with the line break in the multipart/form-data. You might look at that in your code. You're using straight REST, not the APEX SDK, correct?

- Michael

Director, Partner and Developer Technologies, OneSpan

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ikim | Posts: 5

Reply to: error.validation.createProcess.missingData

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Hi Michael, thanks for your quick answer. I read what you just point me and seems to be the same error. I'm using the APEX SDK. Regards, Mario

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