wbass | Posts: 10

Additional customization for the signing ceremony?

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I have been reviewing the options to customize the look/feel of the signing ceremony here: https://developer.esignlive.com/guides/feature-guides/signing-ceremony-customization/ 1) If you use a command to remove a certain piece, for example the bread crumbs or session, can you reorder the other functions you do want to display so there is no dead space? Or is it if they are removed the placeholder will be there. So in the example on that URL, the session bar and global navigation has been removed, but it looks like the remaining elements stick to their position. My assumption is there is no way to reorder or reposition those. 2) Is there a full list of all the options available for the Global Actions bar? 3) If we are using a iframe, is there a way to configure where only the document(s) that need to be signed displays?

harishaidary | Posts: 1812

Reply to: Additional customization for the signing ceremony?

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Hi there, 1) Unfortunately, the position of the elements in the signing ceremony are fixed. Very soon, we will have a new signing ceremony. Though, I'm not sure if the position of the elements will be configurable. I will have to verify and get back to you. 2) Here's an image of the complete list of Global Actions bar: test 3) Yes, you will need to configure the visibility of each documents. You can follow this guide on how to do so: https://developer.esignlive.com/guides/feature-guides/document-visibility/

wbass | Posts: 10

Reply to: Additional customization for the signing ceremony?

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Thank you for getting back to me. So if I am reading your reply correctly.. there is no way to build an iframe where only the documents to be signed will be displayed. Am I correct?

harishaidary | Posts: 1812

Reply to: Additional customization for the signing ceremony?

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No, not that is not currently possible. Sorry, I misunderstood by what you meant in your third point.

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