poggialb | Posts: 7

DesignerView - Cannot set HandoverUrl

0 votes
We have embedded the designerView in our portal, but currently we have no way to return the customer back to the initiating screen, leading to a poor customer experience. It would be great to be able to setup a handoverURL when generating the DesignerView In alternative, implement also in the designerView the ability to generate events that we can capture from the parent page https://www.esignlive.com/blog/esignlive-event-notifier/?_ga=2.250516741.209013835.1512625729-1322670802.1512625729

harishaidary | Posts: 1812

Reply to: DesignerView - Cannot set HandoverUrl

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Hi there, I've forwarded your request to our Product Management team. I'll keep you posted for any updates. One suggestion I can make is that you could for example have a button outside the iframe to redirect your users back to the initial screen.

gtawaf | Posts: 12

Reply to: DesignerView - Cannot set HandoverUrl

0 votes
I need the same feature. is there any update on this?

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: DesignerView - Cannot set HandoverUrl

0 votes
Hi Gamal, Currently, there's still no way to set a handover url or trigger front-end event. As a workaround, you can #1. disable the "SENT TO SIGN" button #2. embedded designer view into a modal, close it when ready to send or #2. embedded designer view into an iFrame, and have another button with handover url in the rest of the html page. This is how other integrator does with Designer View for now. Duo

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