N Devi Navya | Posts: 27

Remove Signature that is stored @package level

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Hello Team, Can we remove the signature that is captured @Package Level which we use to apply again on the further docs of that package. Instead of creating new package to capture new signature on Signer change. Thanks, Navya.

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Remove Signature that is stored @package level

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Hi Navya, Yes, OneSpan Sign do have the capability to enforce signers to capture their signature every time in a package. This is an attribute field in your ceremony settings: "enforceCaptureSignature": false By default, it's false. You can contact [email protected] to set enforce capture on your account. Or you can set this attribute in your request payload on a transaction by transaction basis:
          "enforceCaptureSignature": true
Hope this reply could help you!

Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer

N Devi Navya | Posts: 27

Reply to: Remove Signature that is stored @package level

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Hello Duo Liang, Yes this is really helpful. This is not applying the signature captured later to next signing block in the document. But we want the signature to be stored and applied further. Thanks, Navya.

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Remove Signature that is stored @package level

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Hi Navya, For further use, if you are talking about internal signers, OneSpan Sign has the ability to create sender accounts under your main account to store signatures for your internal signers. If these are not internal folks, you should follow the below steps: 1.Retrieve the signer's handdrawn value(base 64 string). And it could be done in two ways(way one is more straightforward from my opinion): (1) retrieve through api which is contained by package information, or to make it more exact, in role block or approval block, so the following two apis both works:
GET /packages/{packageId}/documents/{documentId}/approvals/{approvalId}
GET /packages/{packageId}/roles/{roleId}
(2) download image format of signature(guidance) via api and change it to base 64 string by import tool:
GET /api/packages/{packageId}/roles/{roleId}/signatureImage
2.Store this handdrawn as well as signer's email in your application system. 3.Next time before sending a package, if you want to upload a captured signature for a signer, add this handdrawn attribute into role block of your request payload like below:
               "email":"[email protected]",
                             "handdrawn":"signer's handdrawn value"
Hope you find this reply helpful!

Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer

sushmakanugu | Posts: 48

Reply to: Remove Signature that is stored @package level

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Hello Duo Liang, Thank you for sharing the api's. How can we achieve this when sending documents to package at once. Suppose, I have created a package with 5 documents and enforceCaptureSignature is false. Done signing all the documents. Now i will add 3 more documents to the package, so index will be starting from 6. Now on 6th document i want to capture signature(this can be achieved by setting enforceCaptureSignature to true) and apply this newly captured signature on to 7th and 8th document. Is this possible? If yes, how can we achieve this? Thanks, Sushma

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Remove Signature that is stored @package level

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Hi Sushma, I guess the signer(s) in document 6th 7th 8th is in the signers of the first five documents, right? That's why you wanted to enforce them to capture signature again in 6th doc and apply them on 7th 8th doc. I tested the use case for you and my suggestion is: 1. After finish the first five documents, you would change the status of package to "DRAFT". 2. Update signers, remove their "handdrawn" value. That is to say, remove the original captured signature they input. Below is the api to update signer:
PUT /api/packages/{packageId}/roles/{roldId}
3. Add three more documents, assigned signatures for signers and send package again. In this approach, you don't need to change the "enforceCaptureSignature" in settings. If the handdrawn attribute is cleared, signers are prompted to capture their signature again, and would definitely applied to 7th 8th document. Hope this reply could help you!

Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer

sushmakanugu | Posts: 48

Reply to: Remove Signature that is stored @package level

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Hello Duo Liang, I tried to remove the handdrawn value but not successful. Could you help me out with this? Could you remove handdrawn value for role(Buyer) for this package UmW8PRi4pAkQ2nOSusL_Z4N5xSs= in sandbox? Thanks, Sushma

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Remove Signature that is stored @package level

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Hi Sushma, Unfortunately we can't modify your package for you, but I would definitely explain it more clearly to you. To modify a role: 1. First you would retrieve the json payload by below api call:
GET /api/packages/{packageId}/roles/{roleId}
2. Copy all the response payload, just remove the "signature" block, below is an example of what you need to remove:
   "signature": {
                "textual": null
3. Use this json as the request payload for the update call: PUT /api/packages/{packageId}/roles/{roldId} Please make sure the status of package is in "DRAFT", otherwise you won't be able to update attributes. Hope this could help me and please tell me if there's any other issues!

Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer

sushmakanugu | Posts: 48

Reply to: Remove Signature that is stored @package level

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Hello Duo Liang, I tried the same. Updated the role removing the signature. I moved the package to inbox mode. Now i did get the role info using api, but i still see the handdrawn value. Am I missing something? Thanks, Sushma

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Remove Signature that is stored @package level

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Hi Sushma, Did you mean you updated the role info in "SENT" status(in inbox mode) instead of "DRAFT" status(in drafts mode)? If so, you should modify the status of package to "DRAFT", guidance here. Or click "Edit" in your sandbox UI interface. If I misunderstood it, please let me know:)

Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer

sushmakanugu | Posts: 48

Reply to: Remove Signature that is stored @package level

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I have put the package in "DRAFT" mode. Updated the role by removing the signature. Now i have put the package in "SENT" mode. Retrieved the role using api. In the response, i still see the signature handdrawn value. Thanks, Sushma

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Remove Signature that is stored @package level

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Hi Sushma, Sorry we couldn't get access to your package information, something goes wrong with the backend system. What I can suggest is: 1. If the signer who you want to remove signature is the sender, you can't upload role directly by that api call. (1)You need to update sender by following api:
  POST /api/account/senders/{senderId}
with payload:
       "signature": {
           "handdrawn": null,
           "textual": null
(2)Then you can upload your role by the same approach mentioned above. 2. Or you can create another package, try again and tell me the package id.

Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer

sushmakanugu | Posts: 48

Reply to: Remove Signature that is stored @package level

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Hello Duo Liang, Am trying to remove handdrawn value of a signer only. Here is the package su97uhfMfiOmkrZQJSUQWBLWUNs= and role is Buyer. Thanks, Sushma

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Remove Signature that is stored @package level

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Hi Sushma, We still couldn't get access to the second package you gave me. Have you figured out what was the problem? And before we go any further down this road, can you please provide the actual use case for this and why you would want to enforce capture for 5 documents, then, add more documents and enforce capture on one document, then, not on the final two documents? The original thread topic was just about reusing signature data in subsequent transactions. We've deviated quite a bit from that path. Depending on the reasoning for this flow, it might just make more sense to do this over two transactions with the first 5 documents having forced capture set to true and the second transaction with the last 3 transactions set to false. Please let me know the use case and reason for needing to do it this way. Thanks, Duo

Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer

sushmakanugu | Posts: 48

Reply to: Remove Signature that is stored @package level

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Hello Duo Liang, I didn't get succeeded on removing the existing signature and capture the signature again on 5th document. The purpose of this is, if we create a package now with 4 documents and signer signed it. And when we add more documents at later point of time to same package, we want the signer to capture again on 5th document and get it applied to next documents. And we don't want to get the signature captured on each and every document. So, is this possible? When i tried the steps you provided, to update the signature field as null and add documents again, it is not capturing the signature again. Thanks, Sushma

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Remove Signature that is stored @package level

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Hi Sushma, If you still couldn't get succeeded on removing the existing signature, you can send an email to [email protected]. I would explain more details to you about how to achieve this. Best Wishes, Duo

Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer

Uday | Posts: 9

Reply to: Remove Signature that is stored @package level

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Hi Duo Liang We tried replicating same steps provided through email.
    Package is moved to DRAFT mode Using GET, role for which signature must be cleared, is retrieved One particular tag signature is removed from payload Using a PUT call, modified payload is successfully sent to server Package is moved to SENT mode
The only problem here is, while response from PUT call shows the signature tag to be null, re-fetching the role using a GET call shows the signature value. Images showing same are attached for your reference. Also, in the information shared through mail, it is observed that documents are immediately being uploaded to package after signer's signature is cleared. But as per our business need, this is not feasible. Documents will be added to this package in future using a different procedure altogether. Business Need: In a scenario where customer leaves after signing but had to revisit & sign few more documents the next day. In this case:
    New package creation, maintenance is proving to be costly for us Enforcing hand drawn signatures at package level is proving to be tiresome for user Applying the same signature, captured previous day is bewildering user
Customers are little hesitant about persisting their signature even after they completed signing & left the place. Hope our challenge & business need is clearer to you now.

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Remove Signature that is stored @package level

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Hi Uday and Sushma, OneSpan Sign 11.18 version has been deployed at Sandbox Environment and one of the enhancement is "enforce capture signature" is enabled at the signature level. So I believe the solution to your scenario is becoming much more simple in this case: you just need to "enforce capture signature" at the approval whenever you want your signer to input their signature again. (Just need to set at one approval and the old signature will be overwritten, all the upcoming approval will be replicated by the new handdrawn) Here's an example in Java SDK about how to use this setting at signature level and another blog will be published at Wednesday where more details will be explained. Duo

Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer

sushmakanugu | Posts: 48

Reply to: Remove Signature that is stored @package level

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Thank you Duo for the information. Would like to know one thing in signature removal. Signature is not getting removed when roleid and signerid are same. Any idea why it is so? Thanks, Sushma

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Remove Signature that is stored @package level

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Hi Sushma, Yes, it's the same at my side. I can modify the handdrawn value but can't empty or remove it. Maybe because if OSS detected the role has already input a signature in any approval in the package, OSS will automatically synchronize it to the "role" block. The condition is "role Id" same with "signer Id" and this role has no or empty handdrawn value. While I still suggest to use the new feature introduced in 11.18 as I believe this also fits in your scenario and reduces API call numbers. Duo

Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer

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