Kennyb | Posts: 4

in-person signing when no connection

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Hi, Is there some way that the in-person signing can take place if there is no connection available? Some of our sales people have encountered that in some areas they are trying to do a signing the connection is too slow/unstable or not able to connect at all. They would be connecting using the hotspot on their phone. They asked if there was some sort of option that it could be captured while offline and be sent to esign live when a connection is made. Any information on what to do in these situations is appreciated.

Approved Answer
Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: in-person signing when no connection

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Hi Kenneth, If you want the "offline capability", it's available on our out of the box mobile app. You can find the app on Google or Apple store by searching "eSignLive". It's a mobile version of Web UI and the offline sign function is built-in. Or you can build a native app with our iOS/Android SDK. Both of them would allow you to complete transactions while offline. Hope this could help you! Duo

Kennyb | Posts: 4

Reply to: in-person signing when no connection

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Our custom application is written for windows, will we be able to do the same as you have mentioned in the IOS/Android sdk?

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: in-person signing when no connection

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Hi Kenneth, Unfortunately, from my knowledge, the mobile SDK is only for building a native mobile app. So if you are building a desktop application or anything windows based, I am afraid it's impossible to directly call the functions in mobile SDK. Duo

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