Sharankrishna | Posts: 11

ESignature Field Goes to the Top of the Document in Mobile Capture Approch

0 votes
Hello, While using Mobile Capture way of Signing approach, We get the signature placeholder right at the top of the document. It’s not in the place where we had placed it in the document. The Signature is however affixed correctly for the Non-Mobile Capture approach, that is when I sign using mouse on my PC. Sample code, PackageBuilder.newPackageNamed(packageName) .withSettings( DocumentPackageSettingsBuilder.newDocumentPackageSettings().withoutDecline().withoutOptOut() .withoutDocumentToolbarDownloadButton().withoutLanguageDropDown() .withCeremonyLayoutSettings(CeremonyLayoutSettingsBuilder.newCeremonyLayoutSettings() .withoutGlobalNavigation().withoutBreadCrumbs().withoutSessionBar() .withoutGlobalConfirmButton().withoutGlobalDownloadButton().withTitle())) .withSigner(SignerBuilder.newSignerWithEmail("[email protected]").withFirstName("John") .withLastName("Smith")) .withDocument(DocumentBuilder.newDocumentWithName(formName).fromFile(documentPath).enableExtraction() .withSignature(SignatureBuilder.mobileCaptureFor("[email protected]"))).build(); I haven't specified any coordinates for the Signature field in Non Mobile Capture approach instead we have created a PDF field (Signer.Capture1) using Adobe Acrobat. This worked fine when we did the signature via an Iframe. I.e. Signing was done from my laptop. We used the same code for Mobile Capture approach as well assuming that the signature will get affixed in the same way as it did when we signed from our Laptop. But instead the signature field was right at the top of the document. Package Id is VjzHCVO7ImhqjkoGN5DnZ0kvc_w= Thanks, Sharan

Approved Answer
Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: ESignature Field Goes to the Top of the Document in Mobile Capture Approch

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Hi Sharankrishna, The reason why your mobile signature shows up in left-up corner is because, in your code, you didn't assign the xy coordinates for this approval, so it will have a default position of (0,0):
 .withSignature(SignatureBuilder.mobileCaptureFor("[email protected]")))
OneSpan Sign will understand it that besides all fields extracted with Document Extraction(through your pdf forms), you also need a mobileCapture signature with (0,0) position. So in order to solve this issue, if you want the signature near "Client Signature" be a mobile signature, you can use position extraction in this specific field: 1. You change the name of this pdf form, instead of following Document Extraction syntax, you use a simpler name like "mobile_capture_1" 2.use following SDK code to create this field:
.withSignature(signatureFor("[email protected]")
Hope this could help! Duo

Sharankrishna | Posts: 11

Reply to: ESignature Field Goes to the Top of the Document in Mobile Capture Approch

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If have attached the sample Signed Document. You would see that my signature is on the top after signing in my mobile. But the actual signature field is near Client Signature label.

Sharankrishna | Posts: 11

Reply to: ESignature Field Goes to the Top of the Document in Mobile Capture Approch

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Hi Liang, Thanks a million. It works. For the issue that I had regarding positioning of Signature field in Mobile Capture option, I got a reply from you to add the below code. .withSignature(signatureFor("[email protected]") .withName("mobile_capture_1") .withPositionExtracted() ) This worked absolutely fine and the Signature field dint move to the top of the document. But the problem what we have now have is that, if we have more than one Signature field in the document with the same name. That is mobile_capture_1 in more than one place, then signing in one place doesn’t affix the signature in other places even though they have the same Signature field name.

Sharankrishna | Posts: 11

Reply to: ESignature Field Goes to the Top of the Document in Mobile Capture Approch

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Any updates on this, please?

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: ESignature Field Goes to the Top of the Document in Mobile Capture Approch

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Hi Sharan, If your concern is you only want your signer to mobile capture once, and not necessarily to do it for rest of the signatures. You don't need to name all your signatures in a same name, and just name your mobileCaptureFor approvals according to your naming convention like "mobile_capture_1", "mobile_capture_2" and "mobile_capture_3". Once your signer completed one signature, they click on rest of the signatures and the same handwriting will show up automatically. There's an attribute named "enforceCaptureSignature" both at package level and signature level, by default it's false. Literally, if it's a true, OneSpan Sign will force your signer to capture their signature again and if it's a false, the behavior will be like what we descried above. Hope this could help! Duo

Sharankrishna | Posts: 11

Reply to: ESignature Field Goes to the Top of the Document in Mobile Capture Approch

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Hi Liang, Can I have the sample code for this, please?

Sharankrishna | Posts: 11

Reply to: ESignature Field Goes to the Top of the Document in Mobile Capture Approch

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Is this code fine? Works fine without enforceCaptureSignature PackageBuilder.newPackageNamed(packageName) .withSettings( DocumentPackageSettingsBuilder.newDocumentPackageSettings().withoutDecline().withoutOptOut() .withoutDocumentToolbarDownloadButton().withoutLanguageDropDown() .withCeremonyLayoutSettings(CeremonyLayoutSettingsBuilder.newCeremonyLayoutSettings() .withoutGlobalNavigation().withoutBreadCrumbs().withoutSessionBar() .withoutGlobalConfirmButton().withoutGlobalDownloadButton().withTitle())) .withSigner(SignerBuilder.newSignerWithEmail(signerEmailAddress).withFirstName("John").withLastName("Smith").withCustomId("Signer")) .withDocument(DocumentBuilder.newDocumentWithName(formName).fromFile(documentPath).enableExtraction()).build(); This code works fine. I can affix more than one signature for the same signer. How is this different from enforceCaptureSignature? My PDF field names are Signer.Capture1, Signer.Capture2

Sharankrishna | Posts: 11

Reply to: ESignature Field Goes to the Top of the Document in Mobile Capture Approch

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Can we have custom names instead of Signer.Capture1, Signer.Capture2? Something like Signature1 and Signature2, but still do mobile capture.

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: ESignature Field Goes to the Top of the Document in Mobile Capture Approch

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Hi Sharan, Let's sort out everything together. 1.difference between mobileCaptureFor and captureFor If you have mobile signature enabled at your account, when signing for captureFor signature, you can choose to mobileCapture or capture by mouse/tablet screen. But mobileCaptureFor can only allow your signer to sign from mobile. 2.why you have the issue Because currently mobile_capture type is not supported by "Document Extraction" method, so you have to write an extra line: .withSignature(SignatureBuilder.mobileCaptureFor(“[email protected]”))).build(); 3.what's the workaround #1. since it's caused by Document Extraction doesn't support mobile_capture type, you can change to use Text Tag Feature where mobile_capture type is supported. #2. as we discussed from the beginning, you can use Position Extraction Feature to locate your mobile_capture. But the problem behind this is: if you only have one type of signature for your signer, other fields binded to this signer can't be created by Document Extraction. Because as you noticed, Document Extraction syntax like [Signer1.Fullname1.textfield1] always needed to be bound to a signature(Fullname1 in this case) which can be recognized by Document Extraction. So if you have Fullname/initial type of signature for your signer, it won't bother you, and if it doesn't, you can try #3 workaround. #3. firstly, you build your package fully with document extraction, but you put everywhere you want it a mobile_capture type as a common capture type. then, you loop through all signatures and update the type to mobile_capture type. You can find the complete code, the pdf I used and the screenshot of the result from attachment. 4.Enhancement in support mobile_capture type in document extraction Even though you can use workarounds mentioned above to achieve your goal, at the same time, you can still fill in an Enhancement Request at our support team ([email protected]) to ask for an upgrade feature of Document Extraction. Hope this could help! Duo

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Sharankrishna | Posts: 11

Reply to: ESignature Field Goes to the Top of the Document in Mobile Capture Approch

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Hi Liang, But I'm am able to apply "Document Extraction" method for Mobile Capture if I have the naming convention as [Signer.Capture1]. Signing in mobile, captures the signature against the PDF text field which has the field name as [Signer.Capture1]. If I have another field as [Signer.Catpure2], then the same signature gets affixed which was populated in [Signer.Capture1] field. My question was around why do we need enforceCaptureSignature method to be called when Document Extraction works for Mobile Capture, where it is able to copy the same Signer's signature in multiple places in the document. Is there anything extra that enforceCaptureSignature method does?

Sharankrishna | Posts: 11

Reply to: ESignature Field Goes to the Top of the Document in Mobile Capture Approch

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Hi Liang, Is there a reason why we would have to increment the last number in Document Extraction method, that is [Signer.Capture1] , [Signer.Capture2]? Suppose say if we have multiple places in the document where a Signer's signature is required then we should ensure the numbers are incremented correctly. Is there a way where we name the PDF signature fields with the same name (i.e two fields having the same PDF field name) so that signing in one field populates the same signature across all the PDF fields?

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: ESignature Field Goes to the Top of the Document in Mobile Capture Approch

1 votes
Hi Sharan, Sorry for the confusion, I thought you only want mobile_capture instead of common capture type. And as we discussed above, if you have mobile signature enabled in your account, all your capture approval supports signing from mobile (as the attachment shows). To answer your second question first, the reason why you have to increment the last number in Document Extraction method is that every signature has to be independent, which means when signer signing, they have to separately approve to sign by manually capturing/clicking for the approvals instead of signing for one signature and other fields automatically populated. For the first question, "enforceCaptureSignature" method gives you extra flexibility to control whether a specific field needed to be captured newly. If you don't want to force your signer do so, don't configure this by your code and the default behavior is what you want. Hope this could help! Duo

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: ESignature Field Goes to the Top of the Document in Mobile Capture Approch

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Hi Sharan, After some research, I found that in previous post, there was someone suggested "have signer signature appear in multiple signature fields". So I will let you know if this feature was put to the roadmap! Duo

Sharankrishna | Posts: 11

Reply to: ESignature Field Goes to the Top of the Document in Mobile Capture Approch

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Thanks Liang for your prompt reply. It makes sense. Let us know once this feature is available.

Sharankrishna | Posts: 11

Reply to: ESignature Field Goes to the Top of the Document in Mobile Capture Approch

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Hi Liang, When we click on the popup which says “Please click OK to confirm your signatures to this document or click Cancel to review it again before submission” On clicking of Cancel still retains the old signature and doesn’t allow us to modify the signature.

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: ESignature Field Goes to the Top of the Document in Mobile Capture Approch

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Hi Sharan, Currently, it's as expected as to this behavior (click on the popup and old signature remains). Per attachment, if your signer want to input his/her signature newly, before clicking "Done" in your signature pad interface, they can click "Clear" to clear the pad or click "Cancel" to exit the page (but they can still refresh the page and click on the signature box to trigger mobile capture again instead of really opt out the transaction) And about the "Clear Signature" feature which enables undo signature, it's currently on backlog. I will definitely update this thread once I got further information about the release date of this feature. Hope this could help you! Duo

cindy | Posts: 380

Reply to: ESignature Field Goes to the Top of the Document in Mobile Capture Approch

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Hi Duo Liang, is there any update on the "Clear Signature" feature? Is it still in backlog? Our users are also asking for it. Thanks.

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: ESignature Field Goes to the Top of the Document in Mobile Capture Approch

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Hi Cindy, Yes, this Enhancement Request is still a candidate, and not yet have a timeline. Actually, if the signer was not satisfied with their handdrawn or even they draw a line by accident, it's perfectly legal as is, from e-signature perspective. Technically, because after signer clicked OK and the capture box was rendered green, the handdrawn value has already been sealed to signature, so in order to allow signer re-draw the signature, it requires a workflow change in Signing Ceremony. To accelerate the process, you can fill in another Enhancement Request with brief description and business motivation and sent to our support team ([email protected]) Duo

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