Delete or Trash?
Wednesday, October 24, 2018 at 04:44amHi team,
In our workflow, we allow our user to delete their transaction. I found two functions in SDK deletePackage() and trash()
So my question is, what's the difference between them, what do you suggest to use?
And when I managed to trash a package, it's status is not updated to "trash", can you tell me why?
my package id is Sr7BDJsSUV015vIeNr1ezLHaVWY=
Reply to: Delete or Trash?
Thursday, October 25, 2018 at 04:38amDRAFT / SENT / COMPLETED / ARCHIVED / DECLINED / OPTED_OUT / EXPIRED
As you noticed, there's no "TRASH" or "DELETE", because: 1.For trash, there's a separate attribute named "trashed" in package JSON. If it's set to "true", the package is trashed and you can only find it in Trash Folder while still keeping the original status. And if you set it back to false, the package will be recovered. 2.For delete, it's a "DELETE" request when calling REST api. Once a package is deleted, it no longer stored at OSS, so there's no flag indicating a package is deleted or not. So Java SDK basically does the same thing as we discussed above. Talking to which one is better, it really depends on your own requirement, whether you want to recover the package vs a permanent delete. Hope this could help! DuoReply to: Delete or Trash?
Thursday, November 1, 2018 at 07:40amReply to: Delete or Trash?
Thursday, November 1, 2018 at 10:30amHi Jin, If it's deleted, only the packageID is retained with a status of DELETED in OneSpan Sign. Everything else is removed and cannot be reinstated. And on the other hand, TRASHing a package will put it in the TRASH folder before permanently deleted. Hope this could help! Duo
Reply to: HiJinIfitsdel
Monday, November 2, 2020 at 11:56amIn my sandbox, I have packages in my trash that have been there for months and are still accessible and downloadable. Is this normal?