sranga23 | Posts: 9

Post package signing

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Hello, We have a workflow where we wish to print a 'name' and the 'date' on the completed document after all signatories have signed. Is there a way to accomplish this preferably using the .NET SDK. Thanks Ranga

Approved Answer
Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Post package signing

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Hi Ranga, Yes, considering you don't want other parties see these fields, it's the workflow I can suggest to use. But there's one thing you'd be noticed, once you programmtically bulk signed for your agent, the fields will be stamped onto the document and be visible to other signer. So probably you need to bulk sign for your agent at the last index. But with this, you don't have a direct notification event for that, you'd monitor the signer_complete event until there's only one signer left. Duo

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Post package signing

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Hi Ranga, Do you refer to the "signer name field" and "signing date field"? If that's the case, here's the code creating signer name as well as signature date field:
DocumentPackage package = PackageBuilder.NewPackageNamed("PACKAGE_NAME")
                                                    .AtPosition(200, 400))
                                                    .AtPosition(200, 400))

sranga23 | Posts: 9

Reply to: Post package signing

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Thanks Duo. So .WithField(FieldBuilder.SignerName() will just print the name. Can I use .WithSigningOrder in conjunction with this so the Name is printed only after other recipients have signed. Thanks

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Post package signing

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Hi Ranga, Fields like signer name, signer title, signer company, signing date, etc will only be visible to the assigned signer and be flattened/stamped into the document after the signature has been confirmed. So if you want to pre-stamp some information onto the document, set signing order is the right way to do so. Duo

sranga23 | Posts: 9

Reply to: Post package signing

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Hi Duo Thank you very much. As I understand, the creation of the field name would solve the problem if our agent was signing the package. However, we don't wish the agent to sign the package, we just wish to print the agent's name on the document after all other parties have signed. Is there a way to achieve this or did I miss something in the solution? Regards Ranga

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Post package signing

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Hi Ranga, Because there was another post made by you yesterday(but was deleted later on), that's why I was a little bit confused on your scenario and workflow. But according to your description, if you don't want your agent to sign manually, you can choose to bulk send on behalf of your agent, here's the guide. What's more, if you only want to stamp the signer name and date onto the document without showing the signature, you can set the size of signature (0,0) so that it will only show up your fields. Please let me know if I misunderstood your requirement. And hope this could help! Duo

sranga23 | Posts: 9

Reply to: Post package signing

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Thanks Duo. Sorry for the confusion but I think you got the requirement now. So I think what you are suggesting is that I should 1. Assign my agent as a signer (with a dummy or no-reply email ) with size 0,0 2. Then add the two fields name and date as you have shown earlier 3. Create the package 4. Bulk sign package on behalf of the agent In this way the package gets sent out to all parties who need to sign but they will not see the agents name or date Does this seem right or should I change something? How can I set the date to a value which should be date of package_complete event. Regards

sranga23 | Posts: 9

Reply to: Post package signing

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Hi Duo I got the email but the link does not contain your post. You suggested post injection to stamp the text if I do it BEFORE parties sign. But I want to stamp these 2 after all parties sign. Is there a way to do it in the INbound PACKAGE_COMPLETE event or is the way I outlined just above ok? Thanks again

sranga23 | Posts: 9

Reply to: Post package signing

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So I can set signing order for all other parties as 1 and signing order for agent as 2 and then bulk sign while creating package. This way I will get notification for all other signers as well as package_complete event? Is that right?

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Post package signing

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Hi Ranga, If it's not your signer's turn, you can't bulk sign for them. So I'm afraid it won't work if you trying to use the pacakge_complete event. Or potentially, you can have a sequence signing order for your signers, and bind the two fields to the last signer. In this workaround, you'd save one dummy signature for your agent. Duo

sranga23 | Posts: 9

Reply to: Post package signing

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Hi Duo, For the scenario I basically added one condition to my existing package building code. I had previous code which was SignatureBuilder signatureBuilder = null; signatureBuilder = SignatureBuilder.SignatureFor(signer.Email); signatureBuilder.OnPage(page) .AtPosition(left, top) .WithSize(width, height); After this I added the following 3 lines if (signer.SignerIndex == MaxSigners) { signatureBuilder.WithField(FieldBuilder.SignerName().WithSize(0,0).AtPosition(left,top)); } Here MaxSigners = 4 when my agent has to sign and his SignerIndex = 4 always. However, I get the following error Silanis.ESL.SDK.EslServerException: Could not send the package. Exception: The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request. HTTP POST on URI Optional details: {"messageKey":"error.validation.sendPackage.noApprovals","code":400,"message":"Cannot send package without approvals.","name":"Validation Error"} ---> Silanis.ESL.SDK.EslServerException: The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request. HTTP POST on URI Optional details: {"messageKey":"error.validation.sendPackage.noApprovals","code":400,"message":"Cannot send package without approvals.","name":"Validation Error"} ---> System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request. Is there something wrong with this -- signatureBuilder.WithField(FieldBuilder.SignerName().WithSize(0,0).AtPosition(left,top)); Thanks

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Post package signing

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Hi Ranga, I tried the same code at my side and it works properly. So if you removed the lines, does the error disappear? I checked your package that there's no approval/signature added to it, which is consistent to the error message returned to you. And I didn't see an agent added to package with index of 4. So it looks like the error was caused somewhere else or was irrelevant to the code change. Duo

sranga23 | Posts: 9

Reply to: Post package signing

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Thans Duo. You are right. I removed the code and put it back and get the same error so it must be something to do elsewhere and the only change is in the template to add more signers all of which fields are denoted as stamp elements. This is the package reference How can I get more insight into what the problem might be?

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Post package signing

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Hi Ranga, For this package, there's three signers but still I didn't see the agent signer. If you can send more detailed code snippets to, I can help you look into it. Duo

sranga23 | Posts: 9

Reply to: Post package signing

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Thanks Duo. For this package there were two signers SIGNER28600874 and SIGNER0. SIGNER0 is the agent sih=gner. I am sending you the code.

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