divakar-loganathan | Posts: 33

REST Callback URL feature- Is Callback key sent as Authorization header?

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Hello, I'm working on integrating the Callback feature with the current application. I'm using a Callback key in addition to the Callback URL, I have a doubt regarding the POST sent by the Esignlive after the occurrences of the events that are registered for. Is the callback key, I mentioned sent as the Authorization header in the POST ? Or if is it sent as any other header ? if so could you please explain what header it comes in as? Thank you very much in advance. Best Regards, Logan

Approved Answer
Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: REST Callback URL feature- Is Callback key sent as Authorization header?

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Hey Logan, Your first assumption was correct that the callback key you registered is passed through the Authorization header as “Basic {callbackKey}” to make sure you’re receiving notifications that contain the shared secret, so you know you’re not getting spoof calls and can react accordingly. You can also refer to our Create a Callback Event Notification Listener guide where you can find more examples in action showcasing the suggested steps to handle the callback calls. Duo

divakar-loganathan | Posts: 33

Reply to: REST Callback URL feature- Is Callback key sent as Authorization header?

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Thanks for you swift response as always, Duo :)

divakar-loganathan | Posts: 33

Reply to: REST Callback URL feature- Is Callback key sent as Authorization header?

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So, Kindly let me know if my assumption is correct, Say for example I use the callback key as "xyzABC123" Then in the POST sent from ESL, I will have the Authorization: Basic xyzABC123 Just wanted to confirm, Thanks in advance Duo :) Best Regards, Logan

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: REST Callback URL feature- Is Callback key sent as Authorization header?

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Hey Logan, Yes, your callback key will be included in request header in plain text. :) Duo

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