gyurko | Posts: 27

Is it possible to Pre-Date a Signature using the .Net SDK?

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I just discovered that someone in our Company is downloading the Document, printing it and having the Officer manually sign the Document rather than using the Web Site to Sign a Document. Yes. She created much unnecessary work for herself. I have a hundred Documents that need to be Signed to complete them but I don't see any way to Pre-Date the Signature. The only way I see to Sign a Document through the SDK is: eslClient.SignDocuments(ESignId, SignerId); or eslClient.SignDocuments(ESignId, ""); The original Document was signed weeks and months ago. If I sign the Document using the above Code it will be signed with Today's Date. Is there any way to change this? Gerry

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Is it possible to Pre-Date a Signature using the .Net SDK?

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Hi Gerry, I understand your scenario, but remember that the audit trail will always record the signing date as today no matter what workaround you used. Based on this, if the packages were not started to be signed, you could modify the transactions and make the auto date fields into labels or text fields with the desired dates and simply sign them programmatically. Tell me if this works for you. Duo

gyurko | Posts: 27

Reply to: Is it possible to Pre-Date a Signature using the .Net SDK?

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It's a good idea. I just have one concern. You say if the Packages were not started to be signed. All of them have been signed by the Customer but had not been counter-signed by us. Does that means that I cannot modify the Document? Or is each Signing Ceremony a separate thing?

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Is it possible to Pre-Date a Signature using the .Net SDK?

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Hi Gerry, Unfortunately, in that case, it's impossible to edit the document content. :( Duo

gyurko | Posts: 27

Reply to: Is it possible to Pre-Date a Signature using the .Net SDK?

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Good to know. Is it possible to Archive them through the SDK "as is"?

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Is it possible to Pre-Date a Signature using the .Net SDK?

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Yes, it's possible to archive an ongoing package. Use below function in Java SDK:

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