dmetrius-agurs | Posts: 15

Authentication Error

0 votes
I am working with authenticating Signers in the ceremony and when we try to set the signers to the default option (email) -- the package creation returns with a 400 error. This is the return error Could not send the package. Exception: The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request. HTTP POST on URI //removed the url for security purposes Optional details: : {"technical":"signer: 10fd198b611041c5b53295fba2224f6c does not have authentication method in package: 45NfxUnHfm-iEijqcRl5V2oCOlw=","messageKey":"error.validation.transactionSend.noSignerAuthMethod","message":"The transaction cannot be sent because an authentication method is not defined for all recipients.","code":400,"name":"Validation Error"}

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Authentication Error

1 votes
Hi D'Metrius, From the error message, it looks like that your account has enabled "Enforce Authentication" feature at account level, which forces you to send the package with all signers being assigned with a Signer Authentication Method (SMS/Q&A/KBA). Sending by email is the way how you want to deliver the transaction to your recipient and not an option for signer authentication. Kindly check with your account admin or with our support team ( to confirm whether you have this feature enabled at your account and determine whether you still want to keep this feature. Duo

dmetrius-agurs | Posts: 15

Reply to: Authentication Error

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Hello, Well that did the trick. I went into our Back Office Settings and changed that value to false. Thank you for that May the Force be with you D'Metrius Agurs

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