anwaykabir | Posts: 23

Ask user for Input while signing and write that info back into salesforce.

1 votes
Hello, We are new to onespan. We have integrated our salesforce application with onespan using APEX SDK for our signature use cases. Currently we are generating the documents with Conga and while generating the documents we are placing the signature tags (eg, {{esl:Signer1:Capture:Size(120,30)}}) into the document. Then using apex SDK to the package for signature. This use case is working fine for us. We have one requirement, where we need a field called “Signer Title”, which we want customers to Input when they sign. It will be required field which we will predefault with some value from salesforce (it may or may not be blank), once Customer updated that info and completes sign, then we need to update salesforce with that field value. To achieve this i tried two ways which didn't work: 1. I tried updating the document with the following text tag: {{esl:signer1:TextField:value("My default value goes here")}} 2. Created a field on OSS account named title and tried the following text tag: {{esl:signer1:Title:value("My default value goes here")}} Could you please let me know how can we achive this? also regarding write back into salesforce, once the signature ceremony is complete, do i need to query the package , find the “Signer Title” value and update the salesforce record? or do we have any other better option.

Approved Answer
Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Ask user for Input while signing and write that info back into salesforce.

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Hi there, Because in your use case, you "want customers to Input when they sign", that's why you should go with the editable "textfield" instead of the "title" type. A text tag like {{esl_signerTitle:Signer1:textfield:value("My default value goes here")}} works fine at my side. (1)The "_signerTitle" part specified the field ID and field name, that's how you can pinpoint the field and then grab the value (2)You mentioned that the tag doesn't work at your side, how's the failed behavior? Didn't the field appear on the document or you hit an error? I noticed that the quotation marks you posted were different than mine, but it maybe because of the forum text editor. For the write back process, there's an out of the box writeback function if you go with our Salesforce Connector solution, but since you were integrated yourselves, you may not able to leverage the service. Internally, I believe it does the same process: get the field value from package object/json then update the record. Duo

anwaykabir | Posts: 23

Reply to: Ask user for Input while signing and write that info back into salesforce.

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Hi Due, thank you for the quick response, it solved my issue. The part i was missing is 'esl_FielName' part, after the correction it works fine. The final expression that worked for me is--> {{*esl_Title:Signer1:textfield:value("Default value is too long")}}' I have one more question on the similar thread, while capturing Title, we want to pass some default value, which may be longer. For longer text, i see the entire text tag is broken into two lines on my document, and in those cases , seems onespan is not able to decode this text properly. I tried to explain the issue with the screenshot. The table on our document where we are trying to print this value is very narrow and we cant make it wider. Is there any workaround on this from onespan side ?

BrokenTag.png373.57 KB
Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Ask user for Input while signing and write that info back into salesforce.

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Hi there, As you have noticed, broken text tags with multiple lines may cause confusing to the doc engine when parsing the tags. Therefore, you can use small font tags and use offsets to place them in the proper location on the document, as a workaround. {{*esl_Title:Signer1:textfield:Size(150,15), value("Default value is too long"), offset(-5,0)}} Duo

anwaykabir | Posts: 23

Reply to: Ask user for Input while signing and write that info back into salesforce.

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Hello Duo, We used this below tag to capture signer Title from customer, but the problem is if this same tag appears multiple times on my document, its failing , could you please suggest what should we do here? {{esl_signerTitle:Signer1:textfield:value("My default value goes here")}} the error we are getting is: Error creating the Role: 500 - Internal Server Error - {"technical":"EsepCommand failed and no fallback available.","messageKey":"error.internal.default","message":"Unexpected error. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you, please try again. If the problem persists, please contact our support team.","code":500,"name":"Unhandled Server Error"} 12:15:38.473 (2024773771)|DML_BEGIN|[368]|Op:Insert|Type:signatureTransaction__c|Rows:1

anwaykabir | Posts: 23

Reply to: Ask user for Input while signing and write that info back into salesforce.

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Hello Duo, Thanks for the call yesterday. we are still stuck because of the issue that same text field ({{*esl_Title1:Signer:textfield:value("director")}}) cant be repeated on same pdf document. Things becomes complicated as we generate document from multiple templates and its hard to place different title text tags on each document. Initially we thought that i will append name of the docs with the title to make them unique, but as we are generating the docs from Conga, and it has limitation that onespan text tags cant be placed there directly while generating the document (it has to be read from a salesforce field). So i think this solution may not work. So here are my questions: 1. Can we use the textfield only once to capture user's input and then print the same automatically everywhere on the document. 2. Can we use customField here for this use case. Can custom field be used to take user's input and the same information will printed on other occurrences of the document. if yes, how can we put custom field on the document while generating it. Please let me know, if you are available for a quick call on the same. Thanks Anway Kabir

anwaykabir | Posts: 23

Reply to: Ask user for Input while signing and write that info back into salesforce.

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Hello Duo, Reading the onespan documentation it seems like, the same can be done using custom field feature, but i am sure fully how to embed that on our solution. Can we have a quick call to go through on the same? Thanks Anway Kabir +1 3065368026

anwaykabir | Posts: 23

Reply to: Ask user for Input while signing and write that info back into salesforce.

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Hello Duo, As we discussed, that custom field option is not available for apex JDK or Resrt API approach, could you please create an enhancement request for us on this? The requirement is, we are using APEX SDK for our e-sign use cases. We have requirement that during sign process Signer will enter their 'Title' once (Title appears multiple times on a doc) and the same info will be updated on the document on all its occurrences. FYI, we can not achieve this using text field approach, additionally we do not want users to enter same information again and again during signing process. Thanks Anway Kabir +1 3065368026

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Ask user for Input while signing and write that info back into salesforce.

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Hi Anway, There's already few Enhancement Requests that asking for the Repeatable Fields which can automatically propagate signer input on text fields that require the same information. I will definitely fill in another one on your behalf. Duo

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