Madeva | Posts: 29

Received email bounce event for valid email id, is there any restriction on some domains?

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Hi Team,

Received callback event 'EMAIL_BOUNCE' for domain  ''. but BP is claiming that it is a valid customer email id, Are there any restrictions on some domains?

is there any way to validate the email id?





Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Received email bounce event for valid email id, is there any restriction on some domains?

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Hi Madeva,


If you've received a bounce message from client's SMTP server, at least it means (1)The email domain "" is not filtered by OneSpan Sign side (2)The email was not successfully delivered, might because of the email username is incorrect, or other reasons. 

Could you do a quick test that manually send a testing email and see if this can be delivered?



Madeva | Posts: 29

Reply to: Received email bounce event for valid email id, is there any restriction on some domains?

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Hi Duo,

Thanks for your response!.

Yes we have tried it by sending test email manually and it delivered successfully, so is there something to do with domain filtering in OneSpan?  




Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Received email bounce event for valid email id, is there any restriction on some domains?

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Hi Madeva,


Thanks for the confirmation!

Do you have a support ticket number for this issue? Because in order to proceed with the investigation, we may need below information:

(1)Your account Email and Environment.

(2)A package ID where you received the bounce email.

(3)The bounce message included in the bounce email:

(4)An actual email in "" domain, and please inform your client that we may send testing packages during the troubleshooting period.


We can move the conversation to the support ticket since it may include your sensitive information. And kindly create the support ticket ([email protected]) if you don't have one already.




Madeva | Posts: 29

Reply to: Received email bounce event for valid email id, is there any restriction on some domains?

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Hi Duo,

Thanks for the information!

Yes we have already opened a case in one onespan support with case number CS0040054  and will followup on that.

And support team response is email bounce event-triggered due to Out of the Ofice configuration, however, email has been sent to the client.

is there in customization is possible on OneSpan events in such cases?

for OOTO notify with different events instead of email bounce!. during OOTO also email will be delivered.




Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Received email bounce event for valid email id, is there any restriction on some domains?

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Hi Madeva,


If that's the case, actually you can distinguish OOTO from the "EMAIL_BOUNCE" callback payload:

{ "name": "EMAIL_BOUNCE",

"sessionUser": "...",

"packageId": "......",

"message": "bounce type",

"createdDate": "2017-05-02T20:17:58.408Z" }

Where the bounce types are the following:

  • "BOUNCE" (a hard bounce)
  • "COMPLAINT" (a soft bounce)
  • "OOTO" (out-of-the-office)


Also, if the bounce type is OOTO, the sender will receive email notification of "email.ooto", instead of "email.bounced".





Madeva | Posts: 29

Reply to: Received email bounce event for valid email id, is there any restriction on some domains?

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Hi Duo,


Thanks for your valuable information, we will update the status accordingly,




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