mikcanf | Posts: 71

Deleted Pkgs returned from API with query=trashed vs Deleted Pkgs in OneSpan xls rpt

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All pkg's are marked as deleted, all are for same person (owner/sender).

We don't understand why lists seem exclusive of each other???

Seems OneSpan reporting is including pkg's not in return set from API call

and conversely API return set is not including OneSpan reporting items.

We want to be able query of ALL deleted times.  Is there some other kind 

of query for deleted pkg's we don't know about or ? ? ?

Below from OneSpan xls report (7 Pkg Ids below )

Below from API pkg call with parm query=trashed (4 Pkg Ids below2)



Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Deleted Pkgs returned from API with query=trashed vs Deleted Pkgs in OneSpan xls rpt

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Hi Mike,


I knew I may have already asked, but just want to double confirm, where or how you received this "OneSpan xls report", which includes the deleted packages? 


Also I have some background information to share with you about the difference between Trash Action and Delete Action:

The Trash action is used to move a selected transaction from your Inbox/Drafts/Archived Folder to the Trash Folder. It's a package flag "trashed" : true. Once trashed, API still has access to trashed packages (by using the parameter &query=trashed) and possible to restore the flag.

The Delete action is done by the API "DELETE /api/packages/{packages}". Once a package is deleted, the package won't be exposed by API and cannot be reinstated. Therefore if your goal is to "query of ALL deleted times", it's NOT possible to achieve it via API.



Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer

mikcanf | Posts: 71

Reply to: Deleted Pkgs returned from API with query=trashed vs Deleted Pkgs in OneSpan xls rpt

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I believe we were provided the information via xlsx spreadsheet from Maria.

We are not sure how the data in the xlsx sheet is being generated, hence the inquiry.

We've been trying to "match" counts and status's etc between API calls (we know about) and xlsx sheet data.

We were told the pkg counts in xlsx sheet included deleted items but, given your comments above, that may mean trashed items, or not, hard for us to know.

It may help us if you can provide a "solid" count of "senders/owns" and a "solid" count of "Packages", for a current date so we can be confident of our numbers for reporting...

Maria Pia Marro

OneSpan Customer Success Representative

mikcanf | Posts: 71

Reply to: Deleted Pkgs returned from API with query=trashed vs Deleted Pkgs in OneSpan xls rpt

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My understanding, after reading your comments is:

A person can cause Package trashed=true via the UI (User Interface) itself.

API use can cause Package trashed=true

API use can cause Package to be deleted ( not reinstatable and not accessible via UI  )

Can a person delete Package via UI ( i.e. without API, or is deletion only via API ? )

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Deleted Pkgs returned from API with query=trashed vs Deleted Pkgs in OneSpan xls rpt

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Hi Mike,


Yes, a person can delete package via UI - the first time the person click the trash bin button moves the package to Trashed folder. Switch to Trashed tab, and the second time hitting the trash button means to delete the package permanently.

All the rest assumptions are correct.

And in terms of the reports, the rule of the thumb is: exclude deleted packages from the report you received from CSR (because the report is generated internally, therefore includes deleted packages), the amount of rest packages (including trashed packages) should match the amount you received from API.




Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer

mikcanf | Posts: 71

Reply to: Deleted Pkgs returned from API with query=trashed vs Deleted Pkgs in OneSpan xls rpt

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Can you explaining what you mean by "report is generated internally", i.e. is it produced via API or ? ? ?

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