hyongilmoon | Posts: 2

Multiple Signers Sharing the Same Email

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I'm currently using Java SDK to create a package:


I followed the link below and was able to create a package with 2 signers sharing the same email address.


SignerBuilder signerbuilderAgent =

SignerBuilder signerbuilderClient =

But the problem Im facing is that when I do "Auto Sign" for 1st signer using a signer id, Im getting the error below:

eslClient.signDocuments(packageId, "AGENT1");

HTTP POST on URI https://sandbox.esignlive.com/api/packages/IVAC0Uaslew2K5Ib-EW-4dLsDHM=/documents/signed_documents resulted in response with status code: [403, Forbidden]. Optional details: {"messageKey":"error.forbidden.signatureNotAssigned","message":"This signature is not assigned to you for signing.","code":403,"name":"Access Denied"}

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Multiple Signers Sharing the Same Email

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Hi Hyongil,


Thanks for your post! I've updated my Java SDK to the latest 11.38 and tested with a similar structure package, however I can successfully bulk sign on behalf of "AGENT1" at my side with the same code.

So below are some of my thoughts on it:
(1)Is the 403 error consistent?

(2)Could you try the same code, but with different agent and client emails? 

(3)How you built the EslClient object, are you using API Key or API Token? Are you connecting through proxy server?


If the issue is consistent and proved to be related to the "multiple signer sharing the same email" feature, we can submit a support ticket (support@onespan.com) and potentially request for system logs around the moment this 403 error occurred.



hyongilmoon | Posts: 2

Reply to:

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Thanks for your reply.


1: Yes, its consistent with 403 response.

2: I will try it with different email address.

3: Using API token:

           eslClient = new EslClient(ApiTokenConfig.newBuilder().clientAppId(clientAppId)
                            .tokenType(TokenType.OWNER).build(), this.apiUrl + "/api", false, null, false,
                             new HashMap<String, String>());



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