AV | Posts: 36


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In the CA sandbox environment we ran into the following error when uploading a package using the .NET SDK. The package had multiple signers with the same email address. As OneSpan now supports signers with the same email, we were not expecting to get any errors.

EslServerException Message Could not create a new package. Exception: The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request. HTTP POST on URI https://sandbox.e-signlive.ca/api/packages. Optional details: {"code":400,"messageKey":"error.validation.signerAlreadyInUse","message":"The recipient is already in use for this transaction.","name":"Validation Error"}; ErrorCode: 400; Technical: 


Also, this error message is not in the list of error codes available in the code share. Is this a new message and why is it caused?


Thank you.

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: error.validation.signerAlreadyInUse

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Hi Anu,


Can we first make sure that the email doesn't have a OneSpan Sign account in CA sandbox environment? Because multiple signer sharing the same email won't work if the email binds to a sender account.



Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: error.validation.signerAlreadyInUse

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Can you send this common email to [email protected]? Does it affect all packages with common email or just this one?

And have you binded custom id to signature (like below), instead of the previous way of using email?

.withSignature(SignatureBuilder.signatureFor(new Placeholder("Signer2")) .onPage(0) .atPosition(100, 300) .withSize(200, 55) )



Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer

AV | Posts: 36

Reply to: error.validation.signerAlreadyInUse

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We did more tests with the same email and different ones, and the error was not seen again. Will let you know if it comes up again. thanks!

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