gussiem | Posts: 15

CallBack URL

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I am new to OneSpan and need help on setting up CallBack URL.  

1. How to setup Web server

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: CallBack URL

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Hi gussiem,


Welcome to OneSpan Sign! In short, OneSpan Sign sends an HTTP POST to your registered URL once your registered event was triggered. That message contains a payload in JSON format, describing the event that triggered the notification.

To learn how to configure Callback settings in your account, go check the Set Up Callback Notifications Guide. This guide also includes a list of callback JSONs examples.

To learn how to create a Callback Listener at client side, this guide is a good reference, where we've provided sample codes showcasing how to proceed an event notifications in different programming languages and frameworks.




Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer

gussiem | Posts: 15

Reply to: CallBack URL

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I am getting error message below.  Please provide suggestion to where I need go to troubleshoot this issue.  Thank you


Failed to communicate with the callback server.

Payload: {"@class":"com.silanis.esl.packages.event.ESLProcessEvent","name":"PACKAGE_TRASH","sessionUser":"giMiTp2eKHwA","packageId":"JGNRRb_UAug03pxohg7fh-F7_20=","message":null,"documentId":null,"createdDate":"2021-01-25T16:47:16.178Z"}
Reason(s): status code: 500, reason phrase: 500: Internal Server Error

gussiem | Posts: 15

Reply to: CallBack URL

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This is an additional error from server event log.  I did check to make sure that file is readable.


Additional message - 
Error occured while processing the configuration file.
File name - C:\Program Files\Laserfiche\Web Access\Web Files\Config\WebAccessConfig.xml
Make sure OneSpanSignSettings node in the xml is properly configured.
Error occured while reading the configuration file. File name - C:\Program Files\Laserfiche\Web Access\Web Files\Config\WebAccessConfig.xml. Make sure the file exists and has read permission.

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