nabilfeghali | Posts: 8

Verify transaction on Mobile Device - Page Cannot be Found

0 votes


We have started the Proof Of Concept that we have received by email from [email protected] and we have succeeded to call the which returned the following JSON response, from which we have extracted the token and the transaction id to proceed with next setp : Verify transaction on Mobile Device , and we have replaced the {{TRANSACTION_ID}} with the captured Transaction ID, and replaced the {{TOKEN}} with the captured Token as suggested in the sales email.

the verification url is like :

but if we open the URL in the browser we got page not found like following screen capture, we are getting a page not found noting that we tried the above complete url on mobile device browser.



To note also that the transaction id is valid and we are getting 200 OK response of we try to verify the transaction status ;

 onespane_transaction_verification.png 30.43 KB


please could you feedback what's wrong, and how we should construct the URL to be opened from mobile device and how to complete the step Verify transaction on Mobile Device ?

thank you

Create a transaction REST webservice response : 


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wcl | Posts: 7

Reply to: Verify transaction on Mobile Device - Page Cannot be Found

0 votes

Hi Nabil,

This happens when you refresh on a transaction that has already been processed, or if you refresh on a page after landing on the page the first time. Can you try in a new browser on your mobile device, or better in a private browsing session?


Will LaSala

Sr. Director of Global Solutions, Security Evangelist

M: +1 978 666 4495 
O: +1 508 281 6670 x. 6326

[email protected]

OneSpan, Inc.

VASCO and eSignLive are now OneSpan. 
See our transformation at

wcl | Posts: 7

Reply to: Verify transaction on Mobile Device - Page Cannot be Found

0 votes


Looking at your request, I think I see an issue in where you are sending the request.  A change was just pushed out this morning to the environment, all of your requests should be sent to the domain, instead of the  For your request send it to:


Will LaSala

Sr. Director of Global Solutions, Security Evangelist

M: +1 978 666 4495 
O: +1 508 281 6670 x. 6326

[email protected]

OneSpan, Inc.

VASCO and eSignLive are now OneSpan. 
See our transformation at

nabilfeghali | Posts: 8

Reply to:

0 votes

Hi Will, 

We still have the same error even if we clear all browser data (delete all cookies and all stored data) once we copy the URL in a browser tab we get the page not found

then if we debug the network tab we notice that there is a 401 at the level of with following response {"error":"invalid_token","error_description":"Client with id Path_Solutions not supported"} returned .

we are wondering why the token is invalid noting that we have passed the same token value returned from the create transaction response. 

thank you


wcl | Posts: 7

Reply to: Verify transaction on Mobile Device - Page Cannot be Found

0 votes

Hi Nabil,

Sorry for the confusion, but we recently made a change (this morning during our recent release), please remove and replace it with

We are updating our documentation and emails to reflect this change.  All of your requests should now go to the endpoint


Will LaSala

Sr. Director of Global Solutions, Security Evangelist

M: +1 978 666 4495 
O: +1 508 281 6670 x. 6326

[email protected]

OneSpan, Inc.

VASCO and eSignLive are now OneSpan. 
See our transformation at

nabilfeghali | Posts: 8

Reply to: Verify transaction on Mobile Device - Page Cannot be Found

0 votes

Thank you Will, It's working now

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