robadmiraal | Posts: 12

How do I set "Accept only" for a signer using the .NET SDK

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In the designer of a package, there is a checkbox "Accept only" for a signer. How can I set this to true using the .NET SDK?


Approved Answer
Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: How do I set "Accept only" for a signer using the .NET SDK

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Hi Rob,


I see your concerns. In short, try to add accept-only approval for signer1 in a separate step, see below example code:

            DocumentPackage documentPackage = PackageBuilder.NewPackageNamed("Test Transaction")
                             .WithSigner(SignerBuilder.NewSignerWithEmail("[email protected]")
                             .WithSigner(SignerBuilder.NewSignerWithEmail("[email protected]")

                                     .FromFile("...\\Example Text Tags.docx")

            PackageId packageId = ossClient.CreatePackageOneStep(documentPackage);

            DocumentPackage createdPackage = ossClient.GetPackage(packageId);
            Signature signer1Approval = SignatureBuilder.AcceptanceFor("[email protected]").Build();
            ossClient.ApprovalService.AddApproval(createdPackage, "Document1", signer1Approval );


Allowing a mix of signatures and accept-only is only supported in a recent release 11.50, however the SDK hasn't fully supported it yet. The above code could work it around though.



Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: How do I set "Accept only" for a signer using the .NET SDK

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Hi robadmiraal,


Thanks for your post! When adding signatures for signers, use SignatureBuilder.AcceptanceFor("signer_email") method instead of .SignatureFor() or .CaptureFor():


            DocumentPackage documentPackage = PackageBuilder.NewPackageNamed("Test Transaction")
                             .WithSigner(SignerBuilder.NewSignerWithEmail("[email protected]")
                                     .WithSignature(SignatureBuilder.AcceptanceFor("[email protected]")




Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer

robadmiraal | Posts: 12

Reply to: How do I set "Accept only" for a signer using the .NET SDK

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Thank you for the example. This works as long as I don't use EnableExtraction WithExtractionType(ExtractionType.TEXT_TAGS).

I have a Word document without any fields for Signer1 and with a capture field fot Signer2.If I remove the EnableExtraction lines, it works as proposed (but of course without the esl caputere extracted), and the first signer is marked as "Accept only". 

But when I use use EnableExtraction and WithExtractionType(ExtractionType.TEXT_TAGS), the first signer is not marked as "Accept only".

Is that a bug or am I missing something? 


robadmiraal | Posts: 12

Reply to: How do I set "Accept only" for a signer using the .NET SDK

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Thank you, this wordkaround works great.

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