cameronofoluwa | Posts: 16

Salesforce OneSpan Errors

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We're receiving some errors in OneSpan when we're running our batch class in Salesforce. The vast majority of records are processed but we're left with a few K that do not run and we receive the errors in the debug logs shown below.

When going through the forum, I noticed a few people have server logs that show a more in-depth error message but I'm guessing since this is being run for Salesforce we cannot access those.

Is there a way to dive deeper into these errors to try and understand where exactly this is failing?

Image removed.

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Salesforce OneSpan Errors

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Hi Cameron,


Thanks for your post! Your screenshot seems broken, could you upload it as an attachment, or paste it in plain text?




cameronofoluwa | Posts: 16

Reply to: Salesforce OneSpan Errors

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Hey Duo,

This was the text from my screenshot:

First error: Error creating OneSpan package with documents: 400 - Bad Request - {"messageKey":"http.status.400","code":400,"message":"Validation Error","name":"Validation Error"}

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Salesforce OneSpan Errors

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Hi Cameron,


Okay, so this is for transaction creation.

-You mentioned that you are running batch class, is it your custom Apex class (with OSS Apex sdk)? Or it has something to do with OneSpan Sign Salesforce connector? 

-Were you monitoring with the developer console? Can you find more detailed info like outbound JSON by choosing File > Open Raw Log?

-400 Bad Request error typically caused by wrong request format (multipart/form-data). Something came on top of my head that if you are using Apex sdk, I saw similar issues if you were uploading Word file and if you were using sdk.createDocuments() method.





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