doug.warren | Posts: 6

Upgrading to Laserfiche 11

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I am in the process upgrading to Laserfiche 11.  I upgraded Laserfiche Web Client to 11.  I installed OneSpan for Laserfiche 11.  Followed instructions and installed Web Client and Notification Components only.  Added groups in Laserfiche Admin and added users.  I cannot select the OneSpan option in the webclient.  I have checked the event log and see nothing trying to connect to onespan.


I have looked in the webaccessconfig.xml and do not see any entries for OSS Credentials or LD Credentials Like in version 10.4.  I'm assuming that those entries will be inserted once I can get access to the OneSpan option in the webclient.


Thank you.

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Upgrading to Laserfiche 11

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Hi Doug,


Thanks for your post!

While you were running the Installer.ps1 script, is there any error message printed out in the console like the screenshot? It is expected that the database connection info should be appended to 

"C:\Program Files\Laserfiche\Web Access\Web Files\Config\WebAccessConfig.xml"

as well as 

"C:\Program Files\Laserfiche\Web Access\Web Files\bin\EslConnector.LFIntegrationDBAccess.dll.config"

"C:\Program Files\Laserfiche\Web Import Services\OneSpanSignConnectorService\bin\EslConnector.LFIntegrationDBAccess.dll.config"

If you have workflow installed, it also appears at:

"C:\Program Files\Laserfiche\Workflow\OneSpanSign\EslConnector.LFIntegrationDBAccess.dll.config"



Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer

24-4-11-1.png332.94 KB
doug.warren | Posts: 6

Reply to: Upgrading to Laserfiche 11

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Hi Duo,

I had no errors during install.  I did miss a step during setup and it was the encryption of the db password.  I did do a reinstall of the web client and notification.  I made sure my account was in the OSS_Admin and OSS_User groups and was able to click on the OneSpan Link in WebAccess.  I am unable to save anything in the configuration screen.  On the Web Server I see this error in the event log (attached screenshot).  Do I need ro run the database install during the upgrade?



Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Upgrading to Laserfiche 11

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Hi Doug,


Yes, the database initiation relies on the database connection credentials. Please run the database install again and let me know if the issue still persists.



Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer

doug.warren | Posts: 6

Reply to: Upgrading to Laserfiche 11

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Hi Duo,


I ran the schema.sql cript on the DB Server and getting these errors. (Attached)


Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Upgrading to Laserfiche 11

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Hi Doug,


As per the error message, the first error occurred at line 499 when trying to reference the column 'ConnectionProfileId' in table 'DefaultSettings':

Foreign key 'FK_DefaultSettings_ConnectionProfile' references invalid column 'ConnectionProfileId' in referencing table 'DefaultSettings'.

The table creation is at line 149:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DefaultSettings](




You mentioned that this is a Laserfiche upgrade, is this database already has the database schema of v10 version? Or is this a new installation? If you are upgrading from v10, which version of connector have you installed?



Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer

doug.warren | Posts: 6

Reply to: Upgrading to Laserfiche 11

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Good Morning,

This is an upgrade, they were using 10.4.2 Beta with Patch 3 and the db was already created. I'm not sure how to tell which version of connector that was installed.  Are talking about the version of the OneSpan? Version 11, (Install Document Date 10/8/2021)



Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Upgrading to Laserfiche 11

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Hi Doug,


Thanks for the information! I need to verify internally if it's supported to upgrade from LF v10.4.2 to v11. At the same time, could you also fill in a support ticket ([email protected]) so that we can move the conversation to a private channel?



Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer

doug.warren | Posts: 6

Reply to: Upgrading to Laserfiche 11

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Hi Duo,


Case Number has been created.  (CS0160260)




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