rajiv.nagpur | Posts: 24

Is there a tool to do a bulk delete for senders on an account?

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Is there a tool to do a bulk delete for senders on an account? Let's say there are over 400 senders, I can run a Delete API call via Postman but this would delete one sender at a time i.e. it will need to be executed over 400 times to delete over 400 senders, therefore, is there a better way to do this? https://sandbox.esignlive.com/api/account/senders/{SenderID}

Please advise.




rajiv.nagpur | Posts: 24

Reply to: Is there a tool to do a bulk delete for senders on an account?

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Hi OneSpan,

Just following up, is there any such tool in place? 




sukhman_kaur | Posts: 13

Reply to: Is there a tool to do a bulk delete for senders on an account?

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Hello Rajiv,

Before deleting a sender , please ensure all the transactions, templates and layouts are deleted for the sender.

The below steps can be performed using the Admin API Key to delete senders invited under the account whose respective Admin API Key is being used.
Call: POST {environment URL}/a/api/batch 
Content-Type: multipart/mixed
Authorization: Basic API_Key
Payload :
Content-Type: application/json

DELETE /account/senders/senderID

Content-Type: application/json

DELETE /account/senders/senderID

Content-Type: application/json

DELETE /account/senders/senderID

SenderID can be retrieved using the API call documented : https://docs.onespan.com/v1/docs/managing-senders#rest-api:~:text=Copy-,Retrieving%20Users,-You%20can%20also

Please let me know if you have any questions for me.

Thank you

rajiv.nagpur | Posts: 24

Reply to: Is there a tool to do a bulk delete for senders on an account?

0 votes

Hi Sukhman,

Thank you for the info! But, can you please attach a sample payload file containing the above batch information mentioned above? We would like to use the sample payload file as a template to execute such adhoc requests.

Thank you & Regards,



sukhman_kaur | Posts: 13

Reply to: Is there a tool to do a bulk delete for senders on an account?

0 votes

Hello Rajiv,

Here is the Payload you will be using:

Content-Type: application/json

DELETE /account/senders/senderID

Content-Type: application/json

DELETE /account/senders/senderID

Content-Type: application/json

DELETE /account/senders/senderID

Content-Type: multipart/mixed
Authorization: Basic API_Key

Thank you

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