I am trying to create a package using the REST API through my company proxy
Wednesday, November 11, 2015 at 01:46pmI am trying to create a package using the REST API through my company proxy, using a system called TIBCO.
My understanding is that we need two types of security:
1. Basic authentication (using the API Key, that we have been given from Silanis).
2. SSL, using Silanis Certificate that downloaded from (https://apps.e-signlive.ca).
The pay load used was captured from what the Java API produces (to remove doubts):
{"name":"CreateTestPackage","data":{"sdk":"Java v10.10.1"},"autocomplete":true,"roles":[{"signers":[{"title":"","id":"Signer","knowledgeBasedAuthentication":null,"firstName":"FirstName","lastName":"LastName","email":"[email protected]","delivery":{"email":true},"auth":{"scheme":"NONE"},"company":""}],"name":"Signer","index":0,"id":"Signer","locked":false,"emailMessage":{"content":""},"reassign":false}],"due":null}
Please advise if any of that is not correct or complete.
Reply to: I am trying to create a package using the REST API through my company proxy
Thursday, November 12, 2015 at 11:46am